One of the things that I've been working on that has been extremely helpful is letting go of preciousness. I had a collage teacher in art school named, Victoria Kann, who once said, "sometimes you've got to murder your darlings". It was a profound moment that I have to remind myself of.
I have a lot of beautiful components that on their own are art pieces. I could happily look at them in little bowls and piles and be amazed at their beauty... but sometimes you've got to let go of the preciousness and take a risk that you might fully destroy what you're working with in order to achieve something sublime. The rewards can be much greater if you're prepared in your heart to let go.
With that being said, I dusted off some beautiful peridot and created this cuff bracelet with hammered copper and rivets. I love it. The peridots studding the bracelet have such a striking color and contrast beautifully with the subtle pink cast of the worked copper. I was hoarding these stones and didn't want to use them. If I hadn't, this bracelet that I'm so pleased with would not exist. I lost two stones in the making of this piece. Once, I hit the rivet too hard and cracked the stone, and the other one was broken when I tried to ream the hole out a little larger. Small prices to pay, for satisfaction.
You have been an inspiration! I initially followed you through the challenge for fun, but the challenge about letting go of hoarded items really hit home. So, I too have been beading and using up my "darlings". And I find that I have unleashed a torrent of creativity that I was not expecting...but relish.
it's like you are looking over my shoulder @ my own little bowls...
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