Tuesday, July 03, 2007


It's unfortunate that I'm not feeling well and that the weather is so nice. I had to leave work early today because at certain points my voice would just stop or I'd go into a coughing fit. That and I don't think I could have yelled later in the day, as my day-job requires me to do. Everyone is getting sick at work. I blame one of my managers. He's the Typhoid Mary. Oh well. Here's to a quick recovery (for everyone)!

Somehow I got suckered into working an extra day this week. I don't know if I like this. But I imagine it'll be good since I had to take part of today off. It'll give me a chance to paint a big red "X" on the door like they used to do in the plague times.

In the meantime, my Fourth of July will be spent trying to get better for work the next day. So, no rooftop barbecues sipping Coronas and watching fireworks this year. If I'm conscious, maybe I'll make some more jewelry or continue my work on my ultra-secret project.


Anonymous said...

hi andrew...sounds as if rest is what you need...hope you feel better soon...

Andrew Thornton said...

I hope I feel better too! The worst is that the infection is spreading up into my eyes, which makes it incredibly hard to bead... let alone see.

Cindy said...

Sinuses? Do you have chamomile? It's good to drop some into just-boiled water and inhale. We also add eucalyptus oil to that, but that's not so common to have on hand.

(and why does the word verification for commenting seem to get harder and harder? ;-)

Andrew Thornton said...

I started back on my anti-biotics. This has helped a lot, but my glands in my throat are still swollen, which means I'm still contagious. Luckily, the infection has left my eyes. It was gross.

Cindy said...

Yogurt or acidophilus capsules are good to take to restore the good bacteria when you're taking anti-biotics. Sounds like you're clearing something out of your system big-time...hope you feel better soon.