Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sick Day...

Yesterday was a little crazy at work. I think it was one of the busiest days we've had yet. It promises only to get worse. In any event, I had a dull headache when I left.

I didn't think too much of it, but continued about my business. Or at least tried to. Eventually, when I was about to go to bed, the REAL pain begun. Normally I can avoid my migraines, but alas... this one side-swiped me.

I thought if I went to bed early enough and that if I took enough medicine, I would be fine. When I woke up, my entire body was sore and in pain. I looked and felt like the Exorcist. I tried to get ready for work, but half way down the stairs, I had to run back up and puke my guts out. So today was a sick day.


Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

this terrible weather has everyone feeling sick --I am so sorry you had such a bad migrainw!

Andrew Thornton said...

ME TOO! I accomplished nothing today except having vivid dreams of a painter friend of mine giving birth to a deer.

melanie brooks said...

Oh no... I hope you feel better soon. It sounds like a terrible day. Sometimes the puking makes the headache go away, and I hope thats what happened. Sending healing vibes to you...

Andrew Thornton said...

The puking has stopped for now, but there's still a dull pain behind my eyes.

Andrew Thornton said...

I wanted to go on a field trip to the Museum of Natural History for their exhibition on Mythical Creatures! But I don't know if I'll be up for it or not. Ugh. We'll see.

Andrew Thornton said...

And THANK YOU Melanie for the healing vibes.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your migraine, I have suffered form them for almost thirty years and I can relate. I will say that they have improved with age (like many things! ;-) ) I don't get as many anymore... so there is hope in that respect! But I have to also say that I have used homeopathy for many years as well, and Nux Vomica is a very common remedy for migraine with nausea. Sometimes, our bodies natural reaction to pain is to vomit. Especially with migraine. You may have had that happen without the Nux anyhow. And yes, sometimes homeopathy works the way nature does... only it will hasten the process. Either way, it is a really shitty way to spend a day. I have never had luck with homeopathy on it's own, because pain, intense pain, usually forces me to take whatever works the quickest. I have found that a shot of REALLY strong black tea, three or four aspirin, and a cool dark room makes me feel the most comfort while I ride it out. Sorry to hear about your day, Andrew. Be well soon!

Unknown said...

awwww what a day for you! I had 4 and 5 day migraines in Scotland and I dont envy you. Thank goodness I stopped the meds that caused mine. I sure hope youre starting to feel beter Andrew bless you.

Andrew Thornton said...

Hey Janet. I hope you're feeling all right as well! I'm feeling much better than I did earlier. I've still got a dull pain behind my eyes, but it isn't nearly as bad as it was earlier. I'm probably going to turn in extra early tonight even though all I've been doing is resting all day.

I saw your house in Scotland. It looks really cute. I'm re-reading The Dark is Rising Sequence and the picture of your house reminds me of some of the scenes from the book.

In any event, thank you for your well wishes.

Anonymous said...

i hope you are feeling better by now. i battled migraines for years....they seem to be under control at the moment....anyway...i found ice packs/dark room and what ever pain meds work....mine would go on for a few days at a time...but i was lucky in the respect that i just had pain and no pukes.
so during one of my migraine episodes i decided to try drawing....pretty much the last thing you want to do with a migraine.....but for some reason i forced myself. i found i was able to come up with multitudes of ideas...almost too many to deal with but made for some very interesting pieces. i think someone should (and maybe has) do a study on artists with migraines....i think sometimes they can be related. at any wishes for your poor head....

Andrew Thornton said...

Hey Paula. I was talking with one of my managers, who also has migraines, and we were talking about how if there wasn't so much pain, then it'd actually be kind of cool. You know? Depending on the type of migraine you get, your senses are heightened, you can see halos, you can see and hear things you normally don't, and it sort of becomes like a playland (I don't know how else to describe it) in your head.

If it weren't for that mind-splitting pain that accompanies it.

But I am feeling better. If I rest properly and don't over-do it, I usually feel better within a day or two. Though I've had migraines that have lasted for over a week, which is bad because it just gets so much worse.