The delightful, Margot Potter was invited to be a guest curator on Crescendoh. The website is an uplifting look at empowerment through creativity. You should definitely check out her article, "Fitting in through Art". Her words struck a chord with me.

A guest curator also gets to spotlight other artists. Margot was kind enough to shine the light on me. She mentioned that she featured us for our "honesty, transparency and inherent goodness". The cool thing is I will leading a week of workshops called, "Capturing the Moment" this upcoming January with express purpose of sharing how we write from the heart. The week is packed with activities designed to help unlock your Muse, provoke a dialogue between you and the world around you, and learn how I chronicle our experiences.
I don't think that Crecsendoh could have picked someone better than Margot and she couldn't have picked someone better than you and Kate! I am very intrigued by your workshops. Where? When? Please tell us more!
Enjoy the day, Andrew!
I can't wait for your classes, how extraordinary!
Andrew I'm thrilled Margot chose to feature you and Kate.
The depth, intensity and emotional texture you both bring to writing rings true with each of us that seek out the words you and Kate share.
Thanks to you both for ‘keeping it real’ at a point in time when society seems to shun (or at best avoid) truth, transparency and honest deep-heart-emotions.
PS What a thrill it will be for those who attend those winter classes! Great topic/teachers and the warmth of AZ too. Gads what total bliss)...
Perhaps someday/one day in the future :-)
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