Monday, October 18, 2010

Erin is Awesome...

Erin Prais-Hintz is a talented designer and friend. She is a constant source of inspiration and has generously donated her Michael's Challenge piece to auction off to raise funds to alleviate my medical bills. CLICK HERE to find out more about the piece and how to bid!

1 comment:

TesoriTrovati said...

There is nothing more abhorrent to me than thinking that someone has the 'privilege' of being sick. To seek treatment and be given the same in a respectful and compassionate manner is not something that should only be reserved for those with a plastic card and a policy number. You are a bright light to us all, Andrew. These generous souls are only confirming that. It may be a small gesture but real in its sincerity.

Maybe we are just a tad selfish. We want you to stick around. Because you inspire us, move us, make us think.

When you open your heart to the Universe what you need comes flooding to you.

Accept it without reservations and with open arms.

Enjoy the day, my friend.