I also worked hurriedly to finish up some necklaces that incorporated the PMC that I freshly pressed out and fired for the show. I wanted make some pieces that really spotlighted the various virtues of PMC.
I told my friend Jenny who was going to drive out with me to the show that I would make lunch. I stopped by the farmer's market and got everything I needed for gazpacho. I didn't look closely enough at the portion sizes and ended up making a HUGE vat of cold soup which needed to be thinned out a bit. (Which reminds me! I need to get some freezer bags.) At the last minute, I decided against trying to bring the soup, in fear that it might slosh around and spill everywhere.
Our morning started off EARLY. I didn't get much sleep because of a wedding that was happening in my neighbor's backyard. During the reception they turned up the volume on their congratulation speeches en espaƱol and their salsa music so loud the glass rattled in my windows and kept setting off the car alarms on the street. No bueno.

The show was a lot of fun! It was a relaxed pace and everyone was so friendly. Joan Miller and her beautiful raised slip ceramic pieces was right across from us, Maureen Henriques of Pumpkin Hill Beads was down the aisle with some lovely new lampwork beads and some goodies from Lea Anne Hartman, and Naomi Belkin and her company Talisman Associates was across the ballroom, as well as many other friends and vendors! I wish I brought my camera to capture a couple pictures from the show. I also hope that we do this show again in the spring. I can't wait to see what people will make with their Green Girl Studio pieces.

Thanks to everyone who came out to the show today!
Glad it was a great show! would have loved to have been there!
bizarrely (sp?), I interviewed Jim about his experiences at around the time of the "summer of love" and posted it on around saturday, ths past week!
Yep, I read it on your blog Jean. Very cool. Yoko Ono is one of my favorites!
Its funny you were there , thats where i had my junior prom and its 1 mile from where i went to high school. Bizarre.
where have you been all my life !
Hey Brian Mills. I was mostly in Florida all your life. And in Gramercy Park. Or in the Bronx for like two weeks. Or in East Williamsburg. Or in Asheville, North Carolina. I'm there now.
The Marriott of Islandia: Perfect for Junior Proms, Perfect for Bead Shows.
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