Thursday, November 29, 2007
Brother, I'm Dying..

Brooklyn Sunset...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Shoe Garland...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Kinuko Craft...

Monday, November 26, 2007
Pictures from Rahway...

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Leaves and Roots...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Lucky Me...

Friday, November 23, 2007
Handmade Metal Findings...

I really love the way that handmade findings make any piece unique. But who actually has time to make their own headpins and earwires? I certainly don't. That's why I've started looking on Etsy for those who specialize in crafting handmade jewelry kit staples. Not only do these findings accentuate the individuality of a piece, but they also support the artisans who create them. I recently picked up these wonderful headpins from Earth2Sea Jewelry; they're GREAT! CLICK HERE for their Etsy shop. I got mine in the "eggplant" and "rosey" shades.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I am just about to head to bed. But before I do, I wanted to take a moment to write about what I am thankful for. Firstly, I am ever thankful for my family. They are a beautiful source of creativity and happiness in my life and I am truly blessed to have them. Secondly, I am thankful for my friends. Though this really doesn't come in "second" as my friends are my family as well. We may not be linked by blood or by marriages, but we're rooted deeply to one another with the bonds of trust and loyalty. I may not get to see everyone as much as I would like to, but even still we're linked together. Next, I am thankful for the ever busy muses which keep me constantly inspired with a vast assortment of projects and ideas. Having a life devoted to creative endeavours has been a rich and fulfilling experience. I am recently thankful for a cure to sudden sinus infections.
And last but not least, I am thankful for everyone out there in the blog world who stops by my blog and creates community by reading, sharing, and making it a pleasure to share my little corner of the world. I hope that everyone who reads this has been able to share their holiday with those they love.
And last but not least, I am thankful for everyone out there in the blog world who stops by my blog and creates community by reading, sharing, and making it a pleasure to share my little corner of the world. I hope that everyone who reads this has been able to share their holiday with those they love.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Good Things...
The past week has been fairly busy for me. I haven't had too much time to really update my blog very much. I feel horrible about it as I am used to updating everyday. But lately, life has been too full to really be able to capture it all. Dinners with friends, catching up on Project Runway, discovering new favorite beers, spending time drawing and writing, fixing up and organizing my room, mulling spices and that's just the tip of the ice berg. Everything has been going well though and I'm really happy.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm throwing an impromptu Thanksgiving dinner for all the stragglers without plans.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm throwing an impromptu Thanksgiving dinner for all the stragglers without plans.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Josh in New York...

A bunch of the crew from the company met up to celebrate Josh's visit back to the City. It was really great seeing him again and catching up. With everyone from the old store, it felt like old times again. First we all had dinner at a Mexican place called El Cantinero and then went to Continental for drinks, followed by The Beauty Bar. It was so nice having everyone together again. Josh leaves to go back to Kentucky tomorrow. He'll be missed!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Missed Connections...
My good friend, Josh, just came into town this afternoon from Kentucky. Unfortunately, I got caught up in doing errands and got stuck on the train and missed Jasmin, Gisselle, and Josh and their bowling trip to Yonkers. Originally we had plans of ice skating, but the weather wasn't conducive for me falling repeatedly... I mean... for ice skating.
Instead, I decided to attend a panel discussion at the School of Visual Arts called, This is D.I.Y. The discussion was presented by the honors program and organized by faculty member and artist Amy Wilson. The panel was made up of Vanessa Bertozzi of Etsy, Steve Englander of ABC No Rio, David Reinfurt and Stuart Bailey of Dexter Sinister, and John Strausbaugh of The New York Times.
It was an interesting cross-section of various approaches to the concept of D.I.Y. However, where I would have preferred something more practical, most of the panel discussion was geared towards ethics and "ethnos". What I would have wanted was a more direct application of how the D.I.Y. has a role in the life of an artist and what ways in which one could readily use it for their own benefit. I would have also liked to have seen the panelists interact with each other a little more with one another. It came close to being a really engaging discussion, but I think it ultimately missed the mark for me.
But it was great to see Amy. I made her sign a copy of the book that she self-published called, Postcards from Second Life.
After the panel discussion, I met up with a friend for an extreme craft night at someone's loft. The loft turned out to be in the middle of the ghetto and when we got there no one was there except for a drunk girl in her underwear who had no intention of making crafts with us and continued to drink her vodka beverage from her mason jar.
Instead, I decided to attend a panel discussion at the School of Visual Arts called, This is D.I.Y. The discussion was presented by the honors program and organized by faculty member and artist Amy Wilson. The panel was made up of Vanessa Bertozzi of Etsy, Steve Englander of ABC No Rio, David Reinfurt and Stuart Bailey of Dexter Sinister, and John Strausbaugh of The New York Times.
It was an interesting cross-section of various approaches to the concept of D.I.Y. However, where I would have preferred something more practical, most of the panel discussion was geared towards ethics and "ethnos". What I would have wanted was a more direct application of how the D.I.Y. has a role in the life of an artist and what ways in which one could readily use it for their own benefit. I would have also liked to have seen the panelists interact with each other a little more with one another. It came close to being a really engaging discussion, but I think it ultimately missed the mark for me.
But it was great to see Amy. I made her sign a copy of the book that she self-published called, Postcards from Second Life.
After the panel discussion, I met up with a friend for an extreme craft night at someone's loft. The loft turned out to be in the middle of the ghetto and when we got there no one was there except for a drunk girl in her underwear who had no intention of making crafts with us and continued to drink her vodka beverage from her mason jar.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Chelsea Art Museum Anniversary...

Above Left: Barge Peniche (1975), an oil on canvas piece by Joan Mitchell from the permanent collection of the museum.

After looking around the current exhibition, The Incomplete, we headed over to my friend Tommy's apartment for a bottle of rosé and more good conversation. Tommy is also a very talented photographer who focuses primarily on still-life. We were privileged with taking advanced sneak peeks of his new Williamsburg and East Village series of photographs. Good stuff.
I was starving by the time we left. So, we dropped in The Alligator Lounge for a quick Blue Moon and free pizza before bed.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Out of This World...

The evening ended perfectly and I can't say that there were any sudden sinus infections to report.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Bead Romantique by Lisa Kan...

Ivette Zighelboim at Patrick Painter...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Friday, November 09, 2007
I was leaving work when I ran into a friend. It's funny how that now she's back, I'll run into her in the strangest places. We live on the same block now, but often times the places we cross paths are in Manhattan or some random place in Brooklyn.
In any event, we decided to head over to Chelsea to take a look at some of the galleries, with the eventual goal of landing at Gagosian for the Georg Baselitz show. On our way there, we passed a building on 11th Avenue between 21st and 22nd Street that had a unique wood facade. Within it was a guy who gestured for us to come and take a look.
That guy turned out to be an artist named Thomas Beale. Inside, we took a look at his wooden sculptures and drawings.
Apparently he made a deal with the owner of the building who has plans to level it and turn it into condos to use the space until that time as studio space and during warmer weather, a gallery in exchange for work. What a great deal!
Most of his sculptures were composed of tiny pieces of wood that were fitted and shaped together. Some of them were made of shell. His hollow structures were luminous and his solid constructions weighty and massive. All of the pieces felt warm and organic, almost as though they were living and growing - becoming.
Before we headed over to the gallery, Thomas made us this really great toasted and aged green tea from Japan and he and his friend Mickey Western played us some music. My friend and I had an amazing time sipping on tea, looking at work, and listening to great music. Such great people! Make sure to check out the show before it closes on the 17th.
In any event, we decided to head over to Chelsea to take a look at some of the galleries, with the eventual goal of landing at Gagosian for the Georg Baselitz show. On our way there, we passed a building on 11th Avenue between 21st and 22nd Street that had a unique wood facade. Within it was a guy who gestured for us to come and take a look.
That guy turned out to be an artist named Thomas Beale. Inside, we took a look at his wooden sculptures and drawings.
Apparently he made a deal with the owner of the building who has plans to level it and turn it into condos to use the space until that time as studio space and during warmer weather, a gallery in exchange for work. What a great deal!
Most of his sculptures were composed of tiny pieces of wood that were fitted and shaped together. Some of them were made of shell. His hollow structures were luminous and his solid constructions weighty and massive. All of the pieces felt warm and organic, almost as though they were living and growing - becoming.
Before we headed over to the gallery, Thomas made us this really great toasted and aged green tea from Japan and he and his friend Mickey Western played us some music. My friend and I had an amazing time sipping on tea, looking at work, and listening to great music. Such great people! Make sure to check out the show before it closes on the 17th.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Galleries and Dumplings...
A friend and I made plans to meet up with Jen Tong in Chelsea to go to some gallery openings. Not having thought to bring my bag, I forgot the list of galleries and openings at home. The list was ample, so we thought we'd just play it by ear and follow the crowds of art-goers that roam the streets in search of discussions on art over cheap wine. Alas, we met several empty and lonely streets. Where were all the openings? Were there crickets, we were sure to hear them.
Eventually we stumbled upon Heidi Cho Gallery, where there was an opening reception for Ronnie Landfield and his show, Toward Monochrome. The show was comprised of his colorist paintings, all dominated with a bar of a single solid color resting at the bottom of each composition. This hard geometric structure was used in contrast to seemingly ephemeral washes and watery brushstrokes. The effect generated a distinct feeling of landscapes, the horizon line against a panorama of color.
Above Left: Forest: Green, 2006. Acrylic on canvas by Ronnie Landfield.
After we left the Ronnie Landfield show, we walked over to Max Protetch for the David Reed show. These abstract compositions are built from undulating liquid ribbons, moving and writhing in and out of focus. As these are large format paintings, the strokes reference the body - the reach of the arm, the bend of the wrist, the rotation of the socket in the shoulder. One can't help but get the sense of calligraphy. With calligraphy however, the writing scrolls across a page. Reed's paintings are much more concerned with the illusion of visual space, crafted by wet, woven marks.
Above Left: #572, 2005- 2007. Oil and alkyd on polyester by David Reed.
While Jen Tong, a friend, and I were there, we ran into some cronies from college! It was so nice to see them again. I had seen Essye in New Jersey at Kathy Callahan's performance at the 1st Thursdays at the Edge Gallery in Rahway, but some of the others I hadn't seen in several months if not years.
When we had finished up at the gallery, Jen Tong, a friend, and I went to Chinatown for dinner. We stopped in at Joe's Shanghai, which is home of these amazing soup dumplings. They are so incredibly tasty. In order not to burn your mouth (which I think I did anyway), you bite off the little doughy top, suck out the broth, and then enjoy the filling. To end the evening, we dropped by The SKINnY in the Lower East Side for a beer and a game of pool. Let's just say that none of us have a career in playing professional pool.

Above Left: Forest: Green, 2006. Acrylic on canvas by Ronnie Landfield.

Above Left: #572, 2005- 2007. Oil and alkyd on polyester by David Reed.
While Jen Tong, a friend, and I were there, we ran into some cronies from college! It was so nice to see them again. I had seen Essye in New Jersey at Kathy Callahan's performance at the 1st Thursdays at the Edge Gallery in Rahway, but some of the others I hadn't seen in several months if not years.
Above Left and Right: Reunion of former students from the School of Visual Arts at the David Reed show at Max Protetch.

A Flock of Blackbirds...
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Dream Come True...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
10 Second Pass...

Lost Film Festival...

Monday, November 05, 2007
Chelsea Art Museum 5th Anniversary...

Asian Contemporary Art Fair...

I am just now getting to unpacking from my trip down to Asheville and Philadelphia. Things are still in boxes and bags and I've been far too distracted to actually dig into anything yet. Tonight I've made a little progress. The goal is to have my studio and bedroom organized before Thanksgiving (ambitious for me). I discovered on Halloween when attempting to make costume pieces just how disorganized things have become and that everything is scattered throughout a series of jumbled and cluttered taped up boxes.
Above are two prints that I discovered in one of my suitcases from Faerie Con in Philadelphia. They are both done by an artist named Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. She's based out of Oakland, California and owns Shadowscapes. Stephanie primarily works in watercolors and uses fantasy art as a vehicle to explore the tarot. The two images above are from her forth-coming deck; the one of the left being "The Phoenix - Death" card and the one of the right being, "Ace of Wands" card.
Left: Photo of Stephanie Pui-Mun Law in front of her booth before it was relocated.
It was really great meeting her! She's very talented and I enjoyed talking with her throughout the show when it was slow. I'm really glad that she decided at the last minute to do the show. Cynthia also picked up a couple of her prints as well, one of which can be seen by CLICKING HERE. I definitely look forward to her deck when it comes out.
Above are two prints that I discovered in one of my suitcases from Faerie Con in Philadelphia. They are both done by an artist named Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. She's based out of Oakland, California and owns Shadowscapes. Stephanie primarily works in watercolors and uses fantasy art as a vehicle to explore the tarot. The two images above are from her forth-coming deck; the one of the left being "The Phoenix - Death" card and the one of the right being, "Ace of Wands" card.

It was really great meeting her! She's very talented and I enjoyed talking with her throughout the show when it was slow. I'm really glad that she decided at the last minute to do the show. Cynthia also picked up a couple of her prints as well, one of which can be seen by CLICKING HERE. I definitely look forward to her deck when it comes out.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Between Here And Then...
I haven't updated in a while now. It seems like the only reason I have time to do it now is that I am not feeling well and had to take the day off of work. But the past few days have been very busy.
The next night I went out to New Jersey to help Kathy Callahan with her performance piece. It was a lot of fun. It was good to see a bunch of my college cronies and do something artsy. I liked how the piece sort of just happened in the middle of the opening. No announcement was made. We just started walking in circles around this platform and related our stories about 9/11. We got up on the platform two-by-two and told our stories. All the while, there was an opera singer going, a video piece playing, and this audio tape of background noise on. It was completely chaotic, but ultimately everything sort of just... gel together and made sense. That too was a lot of fun and a very different direction for me. I was happy to be involved.
On Friday, I started back working at the restaurant and it was pretty extreme. A book and editions fair was going on outside and it seemed like there was a never ending line of people streaming in. Needless to say, I was worn out pretty quickly. Even still, we went out to dinner at Motto and went to Bembe to dance a little. I think we're going to try and take salsa lessons or something. Afterwards we went around to a bunch of different bars and local joints to hang out and celebrate.
I called it much earlier night than our previous ones, as I had to be up at Bryant Park for an hour or so before heading over to a different location. Again, it was a lot of work, but I think I helped and that was good. When I finally got out of work, I went over to Neil's apartment on the Upper West Side to celebrate his birthday. He's such a wonderful person and good friend. I got to meet so many fabulous people at the party; it was amazing. I definitely foresee many new wonderful friendships stemming from this event.
However, I got something that didn't agree with my stomach or perhaps a combination of things that together didn't agree with my stomach and... well... let's just say it hasn't been good times. My stomach is still pretty tore up.
I've been working on a lot of projects. Some of them are jewelry related and others deal with my work and curating. Two of the projects that I'm working on right now are coming along pretty nicely and I'm just about ready to pitch them. Hopefully everything will work out.
Right now I'm going to go find some candied ginger for my stomach.
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