When I begin making work, I like to create a new color wheel for myself. Light is the foundation of vision and is created by a spectrum of rainbows. Color is everywhere, even in the purest, whitest light. So today, I asked the group to be mindful of color and to create their own personal color charts, unique to their own experiences and adventures. I think it's a great exercise to train the eye and give focus to our capturing of the moment.
Below are my examples. All the the images of color were taken either at the Tohono Chul Park or on one of our shopping adventures today.


I love it, Andrew.
Wonderful way to create a colour pallete.
beautiful palletes!
What a great idea! What a beautiful palette you have chosen.
Gorgeous! Such a brilliant creative exercise.
Gorgeous! I should try this. I've done the writer's version, which is to think of a color, go for a walk, and then when you return, write down everything that color. More difficult than it sounds!
Andrew: wow. so inspiring.
Mind if i ask: what software do you use/recommend for putting these mosaics together? I'm looking for something simple.
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