I've been working a lot lately, trying to meet all my deadlines and stave off being swallowed up by an avalanche of laundry, paperwork, and dirty dishes. Little things like household chores get put to the side when I'm in work mode. But work has been good and it has kept me focused on making things instead of being angry. Having a purpose and keeping my hands busy is the best remedy for most troubles.

This is a new necklace that I made that I quite like. On the onset, it appears to be more simple and dainty than many of my designs, but I somehow felt that it was just right. A lot is going on, even if the silhouette is basic. Above is a close-up of the briolette cluster.
(Neither picture does the piece justice, as tit really lights up with a lot of flash and luminance when the light strikes it.)
In this piece, I've used a lot of different gemstones – labradorite, opal, garnet, spinel, angel hair rutillated quartz, and black tourmaline. All of the stones are from
Talisman Associates Inc., except for the tiny black spinels, which are from
Beads and Rocks.
I like it. The simplicity is quite elegant. Do more. I firmly believe if you are in a work mode you should roll with it! The houswork will always be there, the muse may not.
Beautifully elegant. I don't know you very well Andrew except from your blog and your wonderful work, but what ever mischief (I'm using a kind word...) has been happening to you lately, I'm pretty sure is out of jealousy. Not that it is any consolation or that you don't know these things but hearing in from an external source can sometimes be a comfort. I hope you are in a peaceful place...
Oh yah! And F' that house work! : O
your work is delicate and always, always beautiful, dear friend. i miss you - come south, soon...
i'm in alabama at my folks' house, and will be leaving tomorrow to fly out to seattle, then will drive from there to port townsend. so, a long long day. xxx
Thanks everyone for your kind words! I'm really pleased with the way this came out. The more I think on it, the more I like it. Do you all ever have that happen?
Hey Andrew!
I am totally diggin' your new photo props. Can you tell us where you found these cool drift wood pieces and how you came up with this for a photo background? It shows off all of your pieces so well!!
I found the driftwood pieces at the beach. I tend to like the ones from pieces of plywood, because they lay flat and it's not such an obstacles to hang pieces. And the background is a windowsill in the apartment. It's right near the radiator, so all the layers of paint of cracked and kind of look raw and rough. Such are the little beauties of living in an old building. I know some people who would freak out and try to cover it up, but I like it.
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