I don't really celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I actually don't really leave the apartment either for fear of having someone spew and puke up green beer on my shoes, which has happened in the past. (
I wonder if that's an actual phobia? Maybe, Viridis-matera-vomito-incumbo-pedesphobia?) For those of you who do celebrate, enjoy the photo of Azalea holding a clover taken in Hawaii, and Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I just had to guffaw at the name you invented for your phobia. LOL
I think you're on to something here!
Azalea is a very cute kid.....love her smile.
I accidently left the apartment wearing a green coat yesterday. It was a total coincidence and I regretted it the second I heard someone pass by me and say, "aww, everyone's dressed up for st. patty's day."
I tend to not leave the house either, so you are not the only one.
By the way, nice Hawaii photos. Fueled my jealousy even more and now Mia is begging to go there.
Hey Maureen!
They might as well call it, "Better safe than sorry" syndrome. :-) That works too, I think.
Hey Margot Potter!
Living in the City has totally conditioned me to have some of the quirks that I do!
Hey Rupa!
Azalea is my shooting star! She's one of the cutest kids I know.
HA HA HA! You crack me up, Sarkilahti! I hope you didn't get picked on too much.
I had memories of being in elementary school and not realizing it was St. Patrick's day and frantically searching my clothing for the smallest patch of green so that I could avert being pinched.
Hey Jenna!
Ha ha ha! It's good to know I'm not alone. I'd suggest that everyone who doesn't go out on holidays like that, meet up to discuss and think over why that is, but that would require going out. So I won't.
Sorry to add fuel to the fire. I'm hoping to go back in September! Spending my birthday on the beach is DIVINE!
Hawaii isn't just a paradise for adults. It's a paradise for kids as well. So, it's understandable that she'd want to go. Also, seeing cute pictures of Azalea and Cris-Lynn playing and having lots of fun probably didn't help either!
hey sweetness!!
thank you for your unending encouragment.
Im gonna give it a go ;-)
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