Is anyone else bummed that the television show,
The Riches, was canceled and that they left off mid-way through season two? I know I'm late to the game. I only just now caught up with it via
Hulu, but found the show thoroughly entertaining on different levels. I already miss the characters (
and not just the main characters, but the supporting cast as well!) Oh well...
I totally agree! We loved The Riches and thought it was well-written and well-acted, a sure sign that tv execs will cancel it these days. Of course, I am a huge fan of Eddie Izzard. If you ever get the chance to see him live, do it! I laughed so hard that my cheeks hurt for a full week after his show!
I adore the first season. The second season stressed me out a lot, but still... I miss it and want them to come back and answer some of the questions. What happens!?!?!?! WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!??!?!!?
It seems like most of the shows that I really like get canceled. I don't like it.
Oh, I very much enjoy Eddie Izzard. I totally want to see him live. It'd be cool if they did episodes of The Riches live and kind of improv style. That'd be a hoot for sure!
I wonder if they will have the rest of season 2 on DVD when it is released? I hope so! I hate loose ends!
And I think that's a great idea! Who do we have to talk to in order to get live / improv The Riches? LOL.
I'm still mourning the loss of Pushing Daisies. I thought that was the best show. Not only was it clever, but it had the most beautiful and well developed design aesthetic.
Crap, was it actually canceled?? I thought it was just unfinished last season because of the writer's strike, and that they would pick up in Season 3. I freaking loved that show.
How is it that shoes like that get canceled, yet we have to sit through years upon years of King of Queens?
Yeah, they only got half a season in for season two. Apparently Eddie Izzard said that they're talking about adapting it for the big screen. But... that doesn't really solve all the loose ends. :-(
I don't know how so many good shows get canceled. A lot of them say it's because they just didn't have the viewer numbers. But the people who do watch are usually loyal to the end. Alas... alas... alas...
OH, what a bummer! We loved it too. That really stinks. I heard Californication was being cancelled, too?
I've never seen Californication. Is it good? I've been watching David Duchovny in the Red Shoes Diaries on Hulu. I miss the X-Files, but it had a good long run... so the missing is tempered with the ability to go back and watch several seasons of it.
I thought it was good, but it's shocking and graphic and sometimes just bizarre! But maybe that's why I like it! I think you can on-demand the old seasons, to see if you like it!
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