This week's word is "solid". Create a piece of jewelry, a work of art, or take a picture that, in your opinion, best captures the meaning of the word. Think about the word and its different interpretations and how it makes you feel. Translate it into whatever medium you'd like and then post about it on your blog. Once you've uploaded your blog post, copy and paste the URL into a new comment on this post. Be sure to check out what others are making, inspired by the weekly word. Don't delay; you have a week until the new word is posted.
Just created these agate and quartz "solid" earrings! Enjoy!
This is a really interesting word, especially for jewelry makers. It will be interesting to see what folks come up with. I imagine it's a pretty intrepid challenge.
The day to day routine of life feels very "solid" when thinking about that word while sitting in a hotel a million miles from home because of an unexpected delay in travels. This feels the exact opposite of that word. Just sitting here waiting to find out when and how I will be getting home...
I created this necklace for an art competition entitled "Doors of Opportunity". Each component in this piece represents a part of a house.... bolts, insulation, window frames, and ofcourse, the door. My home, where my studio is, provides me with the support I need. My family is solid and my definition of home represents the foundation of my creative life.
My thoughts on Solid.
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