For this Thursday Giveaway, I wanted to do something special! I wanted to share a few things from the show with everyone out there in the blog world. This week, one lucky winner will take home a "post-Bead&Button Show" stash of beading components. The haul includes work from over nine different artists and comes from some of the top names in the jewelry-making industry! The retail value of this prize package is over $200 dollars and is made up mostly of artist-made beads. It even includes one each of the brand new designs from my family that are so new that they're not even on the website yet!
2. Diane Hawkey
3. Pam Wynn and Heather Wynn-Millican
7. HumbleBeads
To win all of these amazing pieces is SO EASY! All you have to do is leave a comment on this blog post. One lucky winner will be randomly selected from the comment section of this post on Monday (June 20th) at midnight EST. Anonymous comments won't cut it for this prize package! Leave your name and email address if they don't already appear next to your comment. This giveaway is open to all participants, including international readers.
Bonus Points: Do you really, really, really want these pieces? If so, you can earn additional entries to win by blogging, updating your Facebook page, and/or Twittering about this Thursday Giveaway. Don't forget to add your act of social media kindness as a SEPARATE comment to this blog post for your extra shot at winning!
1 – 200 of 323 Newer› Newest»Wow, Andrew so so generous. Thank you. I really really want to win! Such a gorgeous collection of beads!
Awesome collection!....to add into my collection :)
All the best.
WOW what a haul,such a generous give away. Thank You Andrew
Oh my god:-)
I was there at Bead and Button - an amazing group of artists and vendors -- the best in the business.
oh what a beautiful giveaway!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE...and thank You for this chance!
What a great collection of beads from some of my favorite artists! Great picks!
wow! what a great prize package. I can't wait to win :)
I really enjoyed meeting you at Bead and Button. I was wearing the necklace I made using Ravens Journey beads and you commented on. So here is my shout out to you Andrew. Such a great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.
I twittered this giveaway.
I facebooked this giveaway.
And, I blogged about it: http://bellavitajewelry.blogspot.com/2011/06/writing-and-art-of-andrew-thornton.html
Thanks Andrew!
Hi Andrew, wowza what a haul so many amazing beads would be doing the happy dance if i won>
take care Andrew ttfn Lana :)
thanks for sharing!!
What an amazingly generous giveaway! You've got almost all my favorites in there!
I posted to Facebook.
My oh my, look at all those wonderful beautiful things. Thank you as always for your giveaways!!!
I also FB'd it which tweets it as well so that give me 3 total entries I hope!! Thanks again!
Wow what a wonderful treasure trove!
This would be balm to someone who will probably never get to go to a B&B show
Awesome haul!
Almost like being there - awesome!
I've shared on Facebook too
Ooooo, very tempting!!! So tempting I had to enter! LOL
What an amazing giveaway. You're being most generous again, Andrew.
Wow, this is such an awesome stash, you are so generous :D
Oh my gosh what a fantastic giveaway! As always Andrew you have fantastic taste!
Niky x
Just posted this on facebook :D
Such a gorgeous assortment.........I would love to win.
Joyce bojomerce@charter.net
What a luscious stash! As a beadweaver, I haven't had as much opportunity to use artisan beads as the rest of you. I have been following a lot of these artists, reading about the process, and lusting (who wouldn't!) after the gorgeous pieces they create. Winning this stash would take my work to a new level in creativity, and hopefully be the push to get me to sell! :) Thanks so much for the chance!
Wow! Such beautiful treasures. I could never afford all these. How I'd love to win. Will share with my beady friends on FB.
That's a lovely assortment! Can't imagine a better mix of colors and shapes.Are any of your beads in there? I love my owl pendant!
Wish I could see you before October! Miss you! Lucky me....I get to see Baba this weekend! We may call you.
what an awesome giveaway! I'm on vacation and checking in with my favorite blogs--and glad I did!
What a generous and lovely giveaway! Please enter me in the contest, and I'll also Tweet about it.
What a beautiful giveaway! I want to win! Thanks Andrew!
Hey Andrew, i blogged the giveaway
Beautiful! Great giveaway!
What a fabulous collection - nothing like seeing them all together to get the imagination fired up!
Would SO love to have these be part of MY collection!!
Wow, wow and more wow! Thanks for the chance.
You are the best, Andrew. Thanks for the great giveaway.
These are all gorgeous. Would love a chance to win.
Just tweeted about your giveaway. Thanks.
I would love to have these most amazing beads to give to a friend of mine.
Wow!! What a generous giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!!
whoa...just fainted from all the gorgeousness of this giveaway..thanks for sharing andrew
What a fabulous offer! Thank you for making this available -- and of course, I would love to win :)
Wowza Andrew! That is quite the haul of goodies! Throw my name in the hat! And thanks for hosting this giveaway!
I just facebooked this bad boy! Thanks again!
gorgeous goodies! What a special treat to offer!
Gosh! Such a load of treasures! I had to check in before my drive to Chicago. I hope to do a lot of beading while my daughter is in Rock & Roll camp.
Have a great week, Andrew!
Wow! Fantastic giveaway! I really want to design with beads from other artist but my budget is preventing me from doing so :)
I wanna Win!!!
Count me in please!
Off to blog about it now!
What an incredible collection for the giveaway, thank you for sharing!! I would love to win these beauties!
Wow beautiful pieces
count me in
thank you
I just posted the link on my FB page :o).
wow Andrew, what a wonderful give away! would really love to win this one!
A most awesome giveaway! You are too generous! I would love to have these treasures.
Me again!
I really, really, really want these pieces.
I just blogged about it!
I put on my fb
I blogged about it:
Wow. I would love to play with these pieces. So pretty.
Oh Wow, what a great give away!! I'd love to win it!! Thanks for the chance!
Wow! This is an awesome giveaway of art beads. Love the "Inspire" bead.
I have add to my facebook page:
What a wonderful giveaway, Andrew! I just want to fondle each and every one of those pieces!
P.S. I just posted this on Facebook.
Oh man do I want those!!!! millerharvest@aol.com
These are fabulous!! I really, really want those! Beautiful pieces from such talented artists would be so fantastic to have!!!
OOOO-OOOO-OOOOOO!!!! My hand is raised like Arnold Horshack, pick me, pick me!!!!!!! Yes I did just use a Welcome Back Kotter reference. I loved that show.
The pieces are wonderful Andrew, thank you for the chance to win them. swopemelmel@aol.com
I'd love to win!
And I facebooked it
and tweeted (@copperdiem)
What a inspiring group of work! How generous to share! I am inspired to trek to Bead and Button next year, if only for the thought of seeing Green Girl Studios work all out together!
Your on my face book too!
Hope little Max is on the mend...
I am drooling! Pick me! Pick me!
Erin S
I facebooked the giveaway.
Love the turquoise colored bracelet. Beautiful collection!
What a wonderful trove of creativity! Swoon is the word that comes to mind....
Gorgeous collection of beads, Andrew! Please include me for the drawing.
I Facebook'ed. Thanks!
I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that I win!
And I blogged as well! Thanks again!
Wow!! This is an amazing giveaway! I would be thrilled to win it! e-mail addy is need2bead247@charter.net Thanks Andrew!
Thanks for offering a giveaway, amazing stuff!
Fascinations by Rachel
Oh my, what I could do with these....
You are so generous!
sandi m
This giveaway is B O N K E R S! Of course I would love to win! I am going to be spreading the word like a little bird.
I have been a silent reader of your blog for a long time now, but I just have to come out of hiding for this giveaway. Amazing, and so generous.
Thank you. And I'm so glad you're feeling better now.
wow! what a stash! would love to win!
So many beauties - what a fabulous giveaway! Thanks, Andrew, for sharing your Bed&Button Show fun & now, the stash - love your writings!
I would ABSOULTELY love to win this! I'm back to beading more often, and this would be a great addition.
I blogged! Thanks again.
Totally want in!
What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you!!
Wow! What a haul! Winning this would almost make up for never getting to attend B&B... *almost!*
(e-mail: aere at erthefae dot net)
What a stunning selection - absolute beads heaven ans very generous.
Given a good loud shout on Facebook too...
Oh Andrew!! What a very special giveaway!! How I truly wish I could win this one...
What a fantastic giveaway....... Would be a perfect gift for my sister...... She would just die :0)
I posted on Facebook!!!
I posted on my Blog!!!
I also tweeted!!
OMGoodness! That is all so yummy! I am super stoked and look forward to seeing who wins! (secretly hoping its me, lol)
Traci Zeller
Just tweeted! How could I not?
Traci Zeller
And I facebooked it! WoOt!
Traci Zeller
Blog about it here - http://andrew-thornton.blogspot.com/2011/06/thursday-giveaway_16.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2FcePb+%28Andrew+Thornton%29
Such beautiful beads! Wow they are nice. I hope to Win this time lol! This is a great Give~Away!!
Tweeted this too - http://twitter.com/WireBliss
Just facebooked this!
You are such a generous soul... thank you.
tweeted! (@sandileejames)
OMg........so wonderful..Suzanne Edwards sweetsuetu@gmail.com
Very generous of you, and what a treat all these are!
Please count me in!~
I blogged about this: http://dobedobeaddo.blogspot.com/2011/06/generous-soul-andrew-thornton.html
This is such a beautiful collection of beads, and you are so generous to share! I can already see some of the things I could create with it....
Thanks for the opportunity!
Tweeed it too!
One more on FB!
Wow! What a great batch of goodies Andrew! Thanks for always having such great giveaways.
Ive Blogged this too! Yeah baby yeah lol! Youre so generous Andrew..thank you for your immense generosity! Btw loved your Bead and Button photos! heres my Blog link;
Gourgous beads love them, whoever wins this giveaway is one lucky person. Thank you for wanting to share your loot.
What a generous giveaway. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful grouping of beads!
facebooked it!
I posted this giveaway on my blog
Wow! Thanks, Andrew for offering this giveaway! I commented on your post at the hive! I really,really,really want this giveaway! Did I mention that I really want it? Beautiful beads!
Added your post to my Blogger blog!
What a dreamy collection! So so kind & generous! Thank you :)
Posted at my Artfire Blog!
What a whole lot of gorgeous!! I would so love to win!
I have blogged about it!
I have put it on Facebook to!
Beautiful beads and thanks for the great giveaways
The bead prize package ROCKS!! Would love to create with them and appreciate your generosity!!
Wow, what a fabulous giveaway, I hope I win!
Deb x
Unbelievable and how generous you are. Good luck everyone!!!
Oh my goodness! How generous of you! This is embarrassing, but my heart actually started racing when I saw all those beautiful beads! : )Thanks~Eileen
Waaaaaay too generous Andrew, thanks so much for a chance to win them!
I just blogged about your giveaway!
I put it on facebook Andrew!
I blogged it Andrew! Here's the link:
Wow that is a haul, very generous giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win it.
Um, wow, that is an amazing selection of beads! I wish I could go to Bead & Button sometime: someday, definitely! :)
Yay! This is better than Christmas! And reading your posts it looks like you had a lot of fun at the show!
Im keepig Max in my thoughts as well, wishing for a speedy recovery of the lil' man!
(janaita{ at }gmail{ dot }com
And of course, I shared on Facebook too.
Good luck to all who entered! I'm sure that they will go to a very loving and creative new home :)
This haul is fantastic - almost as going to the Bead&Button show itself (maybe next year?) I especially like the beads from Pam and Heather...lovely :)
Elly Snare
Wow! So great of you to offer this giveaway...I would love to win something like this!
Shared on facebook page
Also, shared on personal facebook page...if that counts!
What a wonderful beautiful tempting give away!!! Please do pick me:) But good luck to everyone else:)
also tweeted! hippiechickdesi on twitter.
Holy Moly Ca-boly! That's a whole lot of goodness!
Wow what a collection and a wonderful selection for those of us who cannot attend the show.
Oh, yes, I really, really would like to win. So here's my first entry. Thanks for the giveaway!
I have Facebooked so here's my second entry! Thank you again!
What a terrific giveaway!
I have tweeted. Tweet tweet! Thank you again!
This is an amazing collection.
eugeniewu at gmail dot com
Newbies have to start somewhere. Here we go... Love the bead and giving this a whirl. So nervous! Any suggestions?? steffybear@gmail.com
Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=219397741413795&id=100000413913778
eugeniewu at gmail dot com
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/wizardewu/status/81851996595961857
eugeniewu at gmail dot com
This is one awesome giveaway!
What a wonderful assortment of goodies! I would be so thrilled to win :)
OMG!!! PLEASE, Make My Wish Come True and Pick Me! I love all of the pieces in your giveaway!! I bead and my style is getting a little "hum-drum", yet these pieces would certainly liven my life and pieces UP!
You are a Saint for offering this wonderful collection!
Thank you for the opportunity!!!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
And I Facebooked about it: http://www.facebook.com/expostfactojewelry
Of Course I Twittered!!! (darbyscloset)
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
Posted to FB...(Darby Moran Lohrding)!
Thanks again for the FAB opportunity!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I just shared your giveaway on Facebook
I'm speechless! All I can say is "wow"!
I am going to blog, facebook, and twitter!
Blog: www.leelucreations.blogspot.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/leelucreations
Twitter username: LeeLu Creations
Wow these are amazing, I missed out on the B&B show this year.. Please add me to the drawing. Lynn
I'm suffering some serious B&B envy - it seems like all my favorite bloggers got to go! Add me to the list!
I am back to tell you that I have blogged about your glorious giveaway.
Thank you, Andrew.
You are so good to us, count me in!
How lovely! Hoping to win for my friend!
Kristi Idol
Great stash, Andrew! Thanks for sharing!
I blogged about it! http://newbiebeader.blogspot.com/2011/06/recovering-from-my-broken-fingers.html
What a great giveaway. What a lucky winner!
Wow! What a great selection! Add me to the draw list please, that inspire bead wants to come live with me LOL It was great to see you again at bead and button!
Oh my goodness- What a prize that you have today. I have wanted to go to the Bead and Button show but am a teacher (in my other life) and can't leave school on the last week of the year to go. This is almost better than going! Thank- you Andrew!
OMG!!! what an AMAZING giveaway! I would love to go to that show.
Thanks so much for sharing :D
Jeeeez that's a lot of lovelies! Jackpot!
What a wonderful assortment! It definitely makes a great giveaway and I'm praying to be the lucky winner! Thank you. :)
Nice beads collections ;) .. following your blag and sub already!! thanks for the giveaways ..
Awesome collection! Put my name in that hat!
Posted it on my facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Just-A-Tish-Jewely-Designs/9139201359
Blogged about it! http://justatish.blogspot.com/2011/06/awesome-giveaways.html
yay! Thank you for so generously sharing your stash! This one would inspire me for months. ;)
wow, amazing GENEROUS collection...
Beautiful giveaway. I am reading such a lot about the Bead and Button get-together. It sounds awesome.
Wow Andrew,
That´s mouthwatering!
Please, please, pleeeeeeeeeease count me in!!!!!!
That HumbleBeads birdie is so sweet.
Thanks for the opportunity to win these.
I have shared about it on FB
I love these small treasures. Thanks
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
I tweeted about here: http://twitter.com/#!/Lubaska/status/81981081754152960
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
shared on my FB page: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=195432667175680&id=100001428019486
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
Would LOVE to win this amazing collection of gorgeous beads!!! Please enter me, thanks so much!
Kari Wilson
These are beautiful! Thank you for the giveaway!
great giveaway!
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
Wow! One of the best giveaway packages I've ever seen. Would love to win this.
I love these beads. What a cool creative inspiring giveaway!
Wow, such a generous giveaway!
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