These past few nights have been late ones spent in the company of Cate Blanchett as
Queen Elizabeth. I've had the movies going in the background while I've been busily working away. My studio is making great strides to finally becoming functional. I hanged the track-lighting and hauled off four giant bags of trash, as well as went through almost all of the dozens of boxes hidden about. This was not easy for me, a confessed hoarder. To the ordinary passerby, it'd look like a complete disaster zone, but I see the seed of promise lurking in the piles and stacks. When I've not been working on organizing, I've been designing jewelry feverishly. I've finished several rather "over-the-top" pieces, but must wait before I can share them. A couple thousand crystals arrived in the mail today, so I will be very busy in the next few weeks. I've also finished up the backgrounds for about a hundred collages. I have a callous from the scissors. The first pair of scissors did not make it. The handles broke under all the excessive pressures of cutting. And betwixt all this, I managed to squeeze in finishing reading the last
A Series of Unfortunate Events book by Lemony Snicket called,
"The End." It was good to complete the circle and tie up a good many loose ends, even though the book really makes a point of expressing how it is only a small segment of several lives partially revealed and only actually concludes a handful of tales.
I'm wearing myself out pretty good, but I think all the multiple tasks and projects and distractions have been good for me. I kind of feel like a bee, going from flower to flower.
Anyway, it is back to Elizabethan England.
Wow, Andrew, you are inspiring. I've been feeling squished by the weight of my to-do lists this week. I think I'll adopt your attitude of being a bee going from flower to flower. Time to stand back, look at it all, and realize that its all good stuff, stuff that I chose. Nothing wrong with being a busy bee when you are an artist.
This may make you feel a little bit better about being a hoarder...I recently read that those who habitually hoard tend to have higher I.Q.'s than non-hoarders! Good luck organizing, it feels really good when you're finished.
what are you DOING??? gosh!
Hey Amy! My to-do-list keeps growing and growing and growing. But you're right, most of the things on it are things that I have chosen to do and that are helpful and good for me in the long run.
So, let's hear it for BEE POWER!
Hey Rachel! That makes me feel special. I don't know how true it is, but it sounds flattering.
I can see the light... but it is still a ways away before I get it all done.
Hey Jean! I ask myself that same question ALL THE TIME!
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