Jamie Hogsett (author of several books, including
Stringing Style and
Create Jewelry: Pearls) and her mother came to New York to celebrate Jamie's birthday. Amidst their busy schedule of seeing museums and Broadway shows,

I was very lucky to have them squeeze me in for a little time to chat and catch up. I haven't seen Jamie since Tucson, where she got horribly sick with the flu and wasn't able to hangout much. It was wonderful seeing her today! It was an especially nice visit, as she brought me a great little gift that she made. Isn't it just delightful? I love the beaded owl that she made for me. It'll go nicely in my curio case.
Your Owl gift is wonderful! Will you wear it? Isn't catching up with ol'friends grand? I wouldn't worry about your bird necklace... Artists always have their 'antenna's' on and open to all kinds of inspiration at the same time! plus the necklace I posted on was created in '06, so you are years beyond! I don't know how many times I have thought of something 'new' and then see the exact thing somewhere a little bit later and think "how is it possible that 2 people could think of the same idea - on two different parts of the planet?" Art is funny that way, it just seems to float in the air!
Hey Ulla! Isn't it great? I just love it. I don't think I'll wear it though as it's quite large. That is... not unless I decide to go out like a very owly Mr. T.
I think so! I wish there were only more hours in the day to keep up with everyone that I love and care about.
I'm not too worried about my birdie necklace. In the end it'll look vastly different. You'll see. Or maybe it'll just look like something else, but that's okay. Great minds think alike, maybe?
you got to see JAMIE and her MOM!!! YAY!!!!
I can now see where Jamie gets her adorable'ness from.
Cute as a button! Or in this case, a beaded owl!
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