I've been absent from the blog world for a few days now. My apologies. However, we've been crafting up a storm and my hands are nowadays nearly always covered in clay or paint or some variety of glue. Needless to say, I am deliriously happy. The core of my happiness is in making things. The best days are ones devoted to the practice of translating an idea into a physical
manifestation and letting the creative forces flow through you. Sometimes things work out perfectly. Other times, things don't always go according to plan. I don't think that the latter of the two is bad necessarily. Sometimes it forces the artist to think outside of the box or to learn a valuable lesson about the medium or process.
A big plus about being down here in
Asheville is that I'm not alone in my creative pursuits. Someone is always beside me making something as well. Someone is always across from you to bounce ideas off of or to get a second opinion or friendly advice. For instance, Bob
Burkett is also staying with us. Below is a picture of some of his recent creations. He is truly a master craftsman. He can bend and manipulate metal seemingly supernaturally and breathes life into each of his pieces. (This is particularly evident in his articulated pieces like the turtle and bat with moving limbs!)

If you're lucky you can potentially pick up one of his amazing pieces either in Fresno at the
Central California Bead Society show this weekend, at the
Hawaii Glass Art and Bead Festival presented by
Softflex next weekend, or at
FaerieCon (October 10
th, 11
th, and 12
th). But you BETTER HURRY! He sells out FAST and since his pieces are almost all limited runs, you might not have another opportunity to do so!
(Also, thank you
Lorrwill for your shout out as well!
CLICK HERE to go to her post. Oh, and thank you Lauren a.k.a.
LaurelMoon for mentioning me in her post about artist cross-pollination.
CLICK HERE to go to it.)
Wow. And Wow. I would love to see this work live and in person.
Dang it dang it dang it. I can 't make it Fresno this quick!
And your description of Asheville sounds like a little slice of heaven to me...
very cool. you are lucky to have all those chances to view talents nearby you!
Hey, thanks for the kind shout-out! *hugs*
Awww those are truly Beautiful peices Mr Burkett has made!! I esp love the faerie nymph! (if thats what he is) Any chance of a female as well? Your blogs are always great Andrew! Mines picking up a tad. Romes not built in a day, but Im on the Road! x
What stunning work he does.
Bob is supremely talented. He's got a new batch of fairies coming out. I'll take a picture of them when they're finished. He's also got some really BEAUTIFUL cast in place CZ pieces that are absolutely AMAZING!
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