Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday Giveaway...

This week, one lucky winner will win five Czech glass "shortie" strands courtesy of Raven's Journey! The strands include a nice range of sizes, shapes and colors. Speaking of color, I absolutely adore the rich, vibrant saturation. The beads are so luscious! The picture doesn't do them justice! Raven's Journey makes some of the best Czech glass; they always have a unique selection that I haven't seen anywhere else!
To enter to win these brilliant Czech glass beads, all you have to do is leave a comment on this blog post. One winner will be randomly selected from the comment section of this blog post on Monday (May 31st) at midnight EST. Make sure to leave your name if it doesn't already appear next to your comment.

Bonus Points: Earn an extra entry by blogging, updating your Facebook page, and/or Tweeting about this Thursday Giveaway! Don't forget to add a separate comment with the link to your act of social media kindness for your additional chance to win!


EB Bead and Metal Works, LLC said...

Those are some gorgeous looking Czech beads. I will have to check out the website Raven's Journey and see what other types of beads they have.
You have the most wonderful giveaways!

Unknown said...

These are just lovely Andrew count me in?! Thank you for this opportunity!

Lorelei Eurto said...

Nice! I always admire the cool Czech glass that you use in your designs. These are especially gorgeous!

Nicki said...

I like those beads, I think I have some similar ones in black, but those colored ones are truely pretty.

Odd Designs said...

These beads are lovely! I can picture them in a design with raku. Thanks Andrew!

Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

Ahh, some of my favorite beads! Please include me for a chance to win. Thank you so much.

Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

Here's my blog post!

And here's my FB post...!/cristibaxterclothier

Have a beautiful day!

Barbara Bechtel said...

ooh i love the picasso finish. i've been using a ton of it! Going to have to check them out for my next bead spending spree.

Barbara Bechtel said...

i also tweeted it Andrew and @tagged you in the tweet.

Sparkle Queen said...

Beautiful Beads! I just love the purple/amber color combination! I'd love to win! But if I don't, somebody is going to be really lucky! :)

Have a terrific day!

Vintajia Adornments said...

You have found my weakness! (one of them anyway) Would love to make those luscious picasso finish beauties mine. Thanks for the give away chance

Rose said...

PRETTTY! I love wrapping strands of Czech glass beads around my fingers. They're so lovely :D

moo04 said...

Hello Andrew,
What stunning beads! I will have to check out their website. Please count me in for a chance to win them; and thank-you for the Thurs giveaways! Hope

Desert Rubble said...

Thanks for visiting my Blog Andrew and for your generous compliment! I look forward to following you now that I've found you and in discovering all these wonderful artists that you spotlight as to visit some now :)

moo04 said...

Hello Andrew,
What stunning beads! I will have to check out their website. Please count me in for a chance to win them; and thank-you for the Thurs giveaways! Hope

Rose said...

I just tweet tweet TWEETED... Good luck everyone! :D

Unknown said...

beautiful colour palatte

Sparkle Queen said...

Hey Andrew,

I just tweeted about your giveaway too! :)

Here's the link to the tweet

Hope your turnout is incredible! Have a great day!

designsbydawnmd AT gmail DOT com

Michelle said...

Loving those little tiles.....
Bead Happy!

Jen said...

Beautiful- I would love to get a chance to play with these beauties! Thanks for the opportunity~!

Anonymous said...

Love these beads! This is the best give away yet!

TesoriTrovati said...

As far as glass goes, I do love what the Czech's produce.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Enjoy the day!

Jamar said...

Aren't the folks at Raven's great? And I agree, I never see chech done like theirs....well at least not until someone starts copying theirs....I usually buy from them at the International Quilt Show here in Houston and have missed them the past couple of years....looks like I need to make a point to see them this year....

Cynthia said...

My first reaction to these beads was "Mmmmmmmmm". They are beautiful!
Thanks for the chance to win!!

beautifullybrokenme said...

I use Czech glass in nearly every one of my designs & these are just beautiful - count me in!

Now I'm off to check out Raven's Journey!

Michelle said...

I've linked your blog give away--totally fun!


dochoamom said...

Love your blog Andrew and this giveaway is wonderful... Good luck to everyone.

steufel said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I'd love to have them. regards Stefanie

Create With Joy said...

Thank you Andrew for the chance to win! This is a lovely set!


Rebecca said...

Wow! These are absolutely gorgeous! Please put my name in the hat.

Create With Joy said...

Andrew, I've also added your weekly giveaway to my sidebar as a regular feature - you are at the top right of the regular candies at Create With Joy!


Do Be Do Bead Do said...

Amazingly beautiful beads...

Just tweeted @sandileejames

Cynthia of Cynful Creations said...

Wow, those are beautiful beads! They absolutely glow with colour, don't they? Thank you Andrew for being generous enough to give them away.

Alice said...

Beatiful beads--such a wonderful depth of color in them. I haven't used czech beads too much, but now's a good time to start. Thanks for the link to the Raven's Journey site.

Rebecca said...

Just blogged about these wonderful beads...:-)

Amy F said...

Love them! Here is my comment!

Kate said...

Hey there! Love your blog....count me in please!

Kate said...

Just posted on my FB page at (sorry, still trying to figure out how to get a real link in the comment box!)

Amy F said...

Love them! Here is my comment!

Amy F said...

And here is the link to my blog post about it!

Malin de Koning said...

Those beads are gorgeaus. I especially love love love the facetted ones in the middle. I wish to win them all!

Malin de Koning said...

I have also blogged about your giveaway.

Stephanie said...

Those beads for winning are the colors I have loving these days! Thanks for a chance at winning them.

Stephanie said...

I tweeted your beady goodness!

Janet said...

Such wonderful rich colors, I would really love to create something with these beautiful beads. I will check out their website.

Lucreatia said...

They are so beautiful. Thank you for being so generous to give them away. I must leave my comment.
Have a nice day.

Lucreatia said...

And I've also blogged about Yours giveaway and about these lovely beads.


Anonymous said...

Those are gorgeous!

Eve Smith said...

wow these look gorgeous, i love the colour combo, count me in,x

Francy said...

love the colors!

Terry Biz said...

These are just beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Regina said...

What a generous giveaway. I also enjoy checking out the shops that you get the beads from each Thursday. Thank you and enjoy your holiday weekend.

Layney Dasher said...

These are just fabulous!

Thanks for sharing!

Susanm said...

I love this colour. I can see making something fun for summer.

The Prickly Pinecone said...

What amazing beads, beautifully made. Thanks for the chance.


moonlitfantaseas said...

love the beads, they would blend beautifully with the colors I have been using lately!

Amanda said...

Oh, gorgeous! They're so shiny!

Amanda said...

Tweeted about the giveaway!

Renée said...

Great beads... and great blog!

Patti said...

Very, very pretty!

Maneki said...

I love czech beads, especially if they have some nice finishes (like picasso) and blended colours. This mix looks so pretty.

Maneki said...

Blogged about it too:

So, so pretty!

Sofia-Sobeide said...

Beautiful beads! I'd love to participate in this giveaway :)


Sofia-Sobeide said...

I also tweeted the giveaway:


wilcoxdesigns said...

I've purchased beads from Raven's Journey and love their product. They have a great selection and I'd love to win any from them.

MoonRae said...

Love Raven's Journey!! Thanks for the chance to win these beauties

Beatnheart said...

Love those beads...Cynthia @ Beatnheart

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

ME>> ME>>>ME>>>> Pick me!!
My hand is up see !!!!

Lisa Cone - Inspired Adornments said...

OOOHHH! A new place to find fantastic beads! I love the colors and finishes of this selection!

Ирина (ikrinka) said...

These stones are fine! I adore such juicy colours!

sprite said...

I'm with you, Andrew, I LOVE these colors! And I prefer using Czech glass in my work (if not using Artbeads) because they are of better quality.
I hadn't heard of Raven's Journey, so thanks for mentioning them and I'll check them out!

Heather said...

Lovely mix of colors and shapes!! Any beadaholic would drool over this set. I have never heard of Ravens' Journey so thanks for the link too! Your contest will be posted today on my blog.

missreneer said...

These are absolutely stunning. Thanks for the great contest :)

Larissa said...

Oh! how I love the beads! Would like to be on the list,♠ too

Spirited Earth said...

i love czech beads..these are wonderful..

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Those are some seriously beautiful beads--I'd love to be entered to win!

Edie said...

Thank you for pointing me to Raven's Journey! Even if I don't win, I have a new source for gorgeousness!


charly said...

Love these beads! Please include me!

yogavq said...

Beautiful, please put my name in the hat.


Sue said...

Great colors, would love to be the winner. Sue

balanced. said...

oh my! I would love to have those in my stash. :P

Thanks for the chance to win!

Lois Moon said...

What beautiful colors. I have to love colors that work equally well all year round.

Thanks for the giveaway!

chris said...

Yes, they are a beautiful grouping of beads as everyone else has said. I find them to be rich, royal colors, suitable for any season or occasion, dress them up or down, they work to make you look good and feel good. Beads can change a mood of ordinary, into extraordinary, simply by your own designs. Unique creations blended with the generosity of others make the best creations to wear and share. I would love to have these to work with, thanks for the offer. Enjoy the holiday and upcoming summer inspiration! Chris

Rock.Stone.Treasures said...

Gorgeous beads. I'd love to work with them.

Klassy Joolz said...


So pretty....count me in. I blogged about this giveaway:

Sheila said...

Very beautiful and colorful beads!! Love them. I'm a newbie to your blog and will definitely be back. Please include me in your fabulous giveaway.

Regards, Sheila Correia

Betty said...

Love these colors! Please include me in your giveaway. As always, you have great things going on!


Libby said...

This beautiful assortment would definitely kick my creativity into high gear. Thank you for the chance to win!

Robbie said...

Did someone say 'bead' giveaway! Sign me up..never enough beads is there!

Loretta said...

I would love to win that gorgeous pile of beads. I'll jump on to blog about you now.

Sheila said...

Great beads!

snivli said...

Очень красивые бусины! Шансов мало, но попробовать можно!

Ashley Hendershott said...

This blend inspires me so much, it really takes me to euphoric place. I enjoy your blog, and I'm excited to see what each artist could do with a beautiful blend such a this.