Today I had a headache, the kind that sears your frontal lobe and feels as though you've been lashed across the face. Of course, I was frustrated with how little work I accomplished. I lay mostly in bed, kicking myself for not taking better care of myself. Usually headaches are my own doing. Getting caught up in my work – forgetting to eat or sleep or doing something to maintain the fragile requirements necessary to continue on as usual. Today, though, was different. A storm is coming. Sometimes I forget that my skull has become a barometer, my burning sinuses the spinning needle.
So, the day was not lost to my own doing. But still I did not get done everything I wanted to do. I felt fractured, as though someone interrupted my train of thought and scattered and shuffled the pieces. Perhaps the fluidity of my rhythm will return again, once the storm has broken.
Shouldn't you sleep at this time?
you may find that this is the nature of life, like running the rapids in Colorado. Smmoth and then broken up by sharp rocks, with an occasional mountain lion observing you from the side. This is when is is good to have friends, I think, of which you have many. Like me! xox
Andrew, you don't have to apologize to yourself or anyone for being so passionate about your work that you forget to eat or sleep! After reading the blogs of many artists, I am beginning to accept that this is normal for creative people. And, your body's response is also it's normal way of slowing you for a time so that it can recover. You will get your rhythm back! I love the work you have been doing lately and, especially the self-portraits!
I'm so sorry for your headache, but I love your self portrait. Feel better.
this is one of my favorites of your portraits.
Andrew, I've had those headaches for over 30 years. I have such compassion for you! They have a life of their own and they sure know how to screw yours.
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