Probably the biggest piece of news is that I'm participating in the
Bead Star competition. I've got six pieces up in the finalist round in the plastics, pearls, metals, designs with heart, under $25, and crystals categories. If you get a chance please swing by and vote! There are lots of really beautiful designs to choose from. So I know that voting will be difficult. I will say that I'm particularly proud of all of my pieces and hope you like them too! Voting ends June 9th, so be sure to vote before then to make your vote count!

In other news, plans for some super secret ventures are firming up and I should be able to talk about it all in a few months. I'm really excited about it. Getting the funds together to make things happen (on the scale that I'm envisioning) is problematic, but I'm confident that things will come together. So, cross your fingers!
For the past few months I've been in serious conversation about creating a craft book. After working on my sister's book, I've decided that it has to be a topic that I'm really passionate about and is something that people are interested in. If you were to see a craft book by me, what would you like to see? What topics are out there that you're dying to see more of? I don't want to create a forgettable book that's redundant.
The other day I got the nicest email from one of the customers at a show I did several months ago. The encounter was memorable. The show wasn't that busy and we spent a lot of time talking about different techniques that she could incorporate into her work and the following day she brought a project that she was having trouble with and we worked out the kinks. The customer asked if I was considering ever teaching a "real" class. I've been reluctant to teach in the past, even though I love working with people and creative problem-solving. There are so many really great teachers out there already also. So... would you take a class from me? What kind of class would you be interested in taking? Do you like classes that are more technique based, project oriented, or idea workshops? Do you like classes that are short and sweet? Or longer ones? Perhaps a retreat? A couple of the bead personalities have been talking about having a bead retreat, leaf-looking and wine-tasting extravaganza in the autumn in upstate New York... is this something you'd be interested in attending? If you went, would you want to take classes? Have work time? Or just have fun?
The last thing that I've been working on and planning is a finished line of jewelry. I don't really sell my finished work and when I do, it's usually custom pieces that can get pretty pricey. The line I'm working on would be simpler in design and much more affordable. Would this be something that you'd be interested in buying or seeing?
I know it's a lot to ponder. I've been wracking my brain a lot and working over-time to really flesh out some of these ideas. As you can imagine, it's been a busy time around here.