Speaking of vampires, apparently Stevens Auction just auctioned off this authentic vampire-slaying kit for $14,850. CLICK HERE for the review of the Jimmy Pippen estate sale. Apparently this isn't the first vampire killing kit to go on the market in recent months, CLICK HERE to read the USA Today story about another kit that went for $12,000.
May it never find its way to Bon Temps!
That is so spooky!! Do you think that's for real?
I should read the article but I'm too lazy.
It's for real in the sense that it was actually from the late 1800's/early 1900's. They said that it was sold as kind of a tourist souvenir for Eastern Europe and was popular because of Bram Stoker's Dracula.
How wonderful! I have a wooden box, I think I'll start collecting things for my own little kit. I'm sure I would sleep much better having it on my nightstand.
Or maybe I should just hang a cross & some garlic on the headboard...do you think that would help my insomnia?
Ha ha ha! I think it would just increase mine!
i want one of those ;)
Completely brilliant. I showed the link to my husband, and he commented that it looks like something you'd find in the Museum of Jurassic Technology. Do you know of this museum? We've not been - we just read Andrew Weschler's book Mr. Wilson's Cabinet of Wonders which is about the museum. (If you're unfamiliar with it, I recommend the book. The museum contains, among other things, a skeleton of a centaur.)
I've heard of it as well and I think Cynthia has that book and of course I enjoyed it. I haven't been there, but I think I'd like to make a trip sometime. We'll see when the next time I'll be out in Culver City is!
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