Remember these Artist Trading Cards that I did while I was down in Asheville? I came across them the other day while I was organizing my studio.

I'd love to share them with who ever is interested. I would prefer that they go out into the world and have a life with someone who will hopefully enjoy them. That would be much preferred rather than having them sit around at the bottom of a box in my studio. Would you like to own one? If so, let's trade!
Now, I know not everyone does artist trading cards, but that doesn't disqualify you from the running. We can still trade. Just send along whatever you think is equal in value. (Don't send me a dirty gym shoe though; I'll cry and get back at you by posting your name and address!) Dirty gym shoes aside, part of the excitement is the surprise of seeing what people will send. Will they send a small work that they created? Coffee? Chocolate? Beads? Doll parts? What will they send?
Here's how to play: Leave a comment with your name, the number (found at the bottom right) of the artist trading card you'd like and a way of contacting you (i.e. an email address, a link to your blog or website address). By the way, the number is not actually on the card itself – just in the picture to facilitate the process. First come, first serve, and one card per household please! (Make sure to check the comments to see if someone else has already claimed the one you want.) Once I get your snail mail address, I'll promptly put it in the post WITH a surprise of my own. I'm not going to say what it is, but I'm going to throw in an extra goodie to go along with the card. I'll include my address with the package and you'll send your surprise trade over. Once I get all of them back, I'll post pictures of the trades! (So don't send anything you won't want me to put up a picture of!)
I'm really excited and hope this little experiment in trading works out!
hey, that reminds me of "one red paper clip". I read the book recently - what a fun story where Kyle actually ended up trading one red paper clip for a house. Have a look if you don't know it yet -
Hi Andrew!
How fun!! I think I'll try my hand at this! Sounds like a fun challenge, coming up with something fun to trade. My favorite is No. 7.
And my email is ljeurto[at]gmail.
Sounds like a blast! Hmmm, what to send in exchange.... I'll root around my loot for something good. :)
I love #9 and my email address is
Oh Andrew, how fun. I can't wait to see what everyone sends you. I like #8. Happy Thanksgiving. My email address is:
Oh what fun. I like #5. Happy Thanksgiving My email address is
Hi Andrew,
I made a mistake before, asking for a # that was already taken.
I like the idea of a trade, so I would like #6.
My email is
This is a very fun idea! I would like to play along...I will trade for #2 please! My email address is lharrington23[at]hotmail.
Hi Andrew! Happy Thanksgiving! What a great idea to do a trade. I like #4. You can email me at
Hey Andrew! How very fun and cool! I would be happy with any of your beauties, but am drawn (Yuk, yuk! pun intended!) to #10! gaea (at) ojai (dot) net... Wheee!
I wanted number 6, but looks like it's already taken. I hope you have fun with this and I look forward to hearing about what everyone sends you!
I guess I'm too late, damn these time differences over the pond in UK.....
If you ever decide to do it again -
Hi Andrew!
Fun idea! Love your artwork! Especially #1 really speaks to me. I would love to trade for that one if no one else has claimed it! Thank you! My email is
Hey Jobee,
#3 is still available, I think.
Hi Andrew! I would love to trade for #3 if Jobee doesn't want to. This is fun! Stephanie
My email is: tucsonblossom at gmail dot com
OKAY! So it looks like all of the cards have been spoken for! Wow! I'm really amazed and really delighted! I am so flattered that people want to play along. To me the exchange of art is fundamental. It's kind of like a ball of creativity. With each owner of it, it grows and snowballs. Inspiration is important to me and I'm happy to be able to share a little of mine. THANKS to everyone who's playing along.
Here's who's claimed what:
1. Erin
2. Lisa
3. Stephanie
4. Cristi
5. Pam
6. Patricia
7. Lori
8. Norma
9. Nancy
10. Gaea
To anyone who hasn't sent their address in, please do so! I want to get the cards and the goodie bag out to you as soon as possible!
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