I've often times been asked where I find inspiration for my jewelry design. The truth of the matter is that I find the Muse in almost everything around me. Some of the most mundane objects and scenarios generate great ideas. One of the things that I consider when I sit down to make a new piece is visual language. Visual language is the communication of an idea through seen objects that I, as the artist, create or arrange. It is my goal to create pieces that are easily identifiable and convey a particular meaning. To pick a topic, boil it down to the bare essentials, extract a message, and then translate it into jewelry isn't always the easiest. That's why I utilize a lot of really basic and common imagery and household experiences to facilitate the process. I use my handy digital camera and Google Image Searches to stock my visual archive - literally and figuratively.

Color isn't the only source of inspiration. Nostalgia is an ingredient that can be added to design. While it reaches into one's own personal imagery, you'd be surprised how many people have shared similar feelings and can relate to, (if not have already experienced) the same or nearly same circumstances.
Sakura, the necklace above and to the left, was featured in the 2008 Summer issue of Stringing Magazine. I didn't use just color and nostalgia to make this piece. Using wire-wrapped links comprised of rondelles sandwiched between pearls and rose-colored Swarovski rounds, I mimicked the shapes of the buds and burgeoning cherry blossoms. Shape is another visual aid in your toolbox to convey what you mean. To emphasis the cherry blossom theme, I galvanized the message with the addition of a silver barrel bead by the talented Anne Choi and a small flower clasp from my family at Green Girl Studios.

Inspiration doesn't always follow a straight line. Seemingly random events and images can come together, react, and results in new directions in design. For instance, what do break times spent reading classical literature, a Dead Can Dance tribute album, and a trip to the Botanical Gardens create? In this particular case, The Lotus-Eaters featured in the 2007 Summer issue of Stringing Magazine. From the very start, when I could pick up a book and read it, mythology was one of my favorite subjects. It nurtured my curiosity about how the world worked (far better than hard science ever could) and set ablaze my imagination. For the longest time, I would carry a paperback copy of The Odyssey and read and re-read the epic poem on my breaks in between lawn-care jobs. Eventually I graduated to Tennyson and beyond, many whom were still firmly rooted in classical mythology. One of my favorite bands is Dead Can Dance. In 2004 a tribute album came out of their work, redoing and reworking some of their songs. Needless to say, I wore it out listening to it. The album was titled, "The Lotus-Eaters." A few years later, I found myself at a Botanical Garden and seeing a luminous pale green flower emerging from muddy pond water. It seemed to be a pure and shining example of sheer beauty. Not long after that I was at a bead show perusing Marsha Neal Studio's booth. I honed in on the ceramic pendant with the lotus image on it and everything clicked into place, and suddenly everything buried in my subconscious surfaced and manifested in a design.

Inspiration is all around us. It's up to us, as designers, to utilize our creative toolbox to harvest the gifts of the everyday Muses.
I was thinking about the same thing today...
I blogged about a new venture, and also some inspiration that created a woodsy -walk -through- the -forest type of necklace that I dreamed up last night while in the studio.
You say it so much more eloquently than I could ever.
What an amazing post. I have an English degree, but it's never occured to me that the things I've read could serve as creative fodder for my artistic pursuits.
Loved seeing the inspiration behind your beautiful work! Also, it's my first time seeing "Miel" - what a gorgeous necklace!
Wonderful post! I just love to hear about inspiration and where it is found. :)
Have you ever thought about teaching classes?
Hey Lori! I checked out your post and it was brilliant. I'm glad that we're on the same wavelength as far as gathering inspiration goes.
Hey Maureen,
You'd be surprised about how much of your English degree has already influenced your work. The way that I look at art and design was really influenced by some of the English classes I took that talked about breaking down sentences and grammar. Fused with the poetry sections, it's a helpful tool to be able to understand the language that you've created visually. I've looked through your recent posts and you've done some interesting write-ups of the history of beads. I think that understanding where and how they functioned in society is an important part of how they'll function for you. I think it all ties together. Most people are sitting on a wealth of inspiration and they don't even know it!
Hey Melissa! I'm glad that I could share it. I really like the opportunity to dissect people's working processes. It really opens up different ideas of thought and really makes what you can make limitless. Once you know how you work, you'll be able to strive higher than ever before!
Thanks about Miel! It was a lot of wire-wrapping and I enjoyed making it quite a lot. I'm glad that I got it out there.
Hey Nancy!
I'm down with you! I could talk about it all day. Give me a cup of coffee and let's sit down and talk and call me a happy cat!
Hey Nicki,
I teach occasionally but I haven't recently. I used to teach drawing and portfolio and that was really a great experience. I think a lot of the fundamental basics that go into art and the ways of seeing apply to jewelry and design.
I'll teach anything to anyone as long as there's a group that's interested.
welcome Andrew. I knew you would really do a great job as a beadbogger! And you did!
xox jean
Thanks Jean!
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