I got the latest newsletter from
The Hole Bead Shop in Oklahoma (who specialize in vintage lucite) and read about their current
Web Sale. That's when I scrolled down to the end and saw the
"Ode to Andrew". I laughed.
I laughed hard. Kelli and Mike Burns are both hilarious. I met them in Tucson last year. We were set up next to the bathroom, so we saw a lot of vendor traffic throughout the long weekend. Every time Kelli passed by, she'd make me burst into a fit of giggles. Mostly it was about the weather in Oklahoma and how every year we nearly die there in an ice storm or tornado of snow. One of the other topics of conversation were grilled Twinkies. I've yet to try one, but I saw this at
Thunder In The Valley last weekend and took a picture with the rationale that "deep fried" is kind of like "grilled".
So here is my Ode to Kelli:
Your Lucite's great – definitely first rate! There is no debate!
Meeting in front of the bathroom was totally fate.
I know that if you're down the row at the show, I'll laugh until we go.
Kelli's nice. Kelli's funny. Check out her Web Sale linky. Kelli's tried exotic delicacies – like grilled Twinkies.
Burnt sugar, melted cream – I can almost smell the aroma.
I'd visit more, but you live in Oklahoma.
(I know it's no great work of literature. It's just a bit of silliness.)
Inspired lunacy is what that is! Funny!
Enjoy the day!
It's funny how a little bit of silliness can bring out the rudeness in people. I got some rather nasty emails about how "juvenile" and "immature" I am and how this post proves it.
I'm sorry to disappoint, but when did I ever say that I was some kind of stoic monk, chanting, crying and communing with nature 24/7? I think I've tried to impress upon the fact that I'm a real person in this blog and that I have many sides. Not all of them are serious.
Thanks, Erin for finding the fun in it. Because that's what it was meant to be... FUN.
Bless your sweet heart.....I say screw 'em
thanks for making me ~smile~
You are hilarious, a bright ray of sunshiney chuckles!
Big hugs to you and if you ever care to "Ode" me, I'd be honored!!!
I had the pleasure of (sadly only briefly) meeting Kelli in Milwaukee last month and this is PERFECT :D It saddens me to read that you've received negative comments about this. tsk tsk tsk, folks! Lighten up! Take your laughter and giggles where you get them in this life! :D
I totally agree it is lighthearted and funny in no way was it rude. You explained the context well and I think that anyone that has a problem with this needs to take a look at themselves and get a life.
Cute ode and obviously a look back at a fun time you had in Tucson.
Never give up on humor or the lighter side of life regardless of the grinches in the world.
You are incredibly humanly beautiful Andrew!! I'll shake my rattle at those negative vibes for you. Love, and blessings
Love your "Ode to Kelli"! What is life, if we can't have fun on the ride?!
Enjoy your holiday!
Excellent verse - like a young Ogden Nash!
Did someone say Oklahoma and beads? What a fine combination. And in Bartlesville no less. Cool!
Excellent lymerick! Not nice emails how tatty. My Grandmother who was from Texas and a tad eccentric used to say if someone offended you was.."what do you expect from a pig but a grunt" so that seems goodly fitting!
As I was reading your 'ode to kelli' I was thinking how great it is to meet other people and feel that special connection and friendship.
I feel sorry for the people who don't allow for a bit of silliness in their lives, and think others should follow suit. What a boring life they must lead.
Thanks so much for the giggle. Now I must get myself to Oklahoma for a bead fix.
Amongst the laughs from TBTB you saved me from my doubting self.
Your giving nature, openness, wicked dry humor and wit (list goes on)sucked me in like a drunken moth to a forest fire.
I apologize to YOU and any of your readers if for any reason I have caused you any discomfort and pain. It was all in good fun (my original post) and I was hoping to show EVERYONE the new shiney wonderful human being I had the pleasure of meeting.
I ADORE you!
Twinkie Kelli (xOxO)
Amongst the laughs from TBTB you saved me from my doubting self.
Your giving nature, openness, wicked dry humor and wit (list goes on)sucked me in like a drunken moth to a forest fire.
I apologize to YOU and any of your readers if for any reason I have caused you any discomfort and pain. It was all in good fun (my original post) and I was hoping to show EVERYONE the new shiney wonderful human being I had the pleasure of meeting.
I ADORE you!
Twinkie Kelli (xOxO)
Those were both very nice odes. Made me smile. :)
PS - Mean people make me frown. :(
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