Well... the "
giant yellow banana" is actually a
plantain. My mom was dancing around and showing off her latest tropical fruit find. I think my relationship with my mom is better now. I gave myself permission to see my mom for more than just the role of "mother" and see her now as a person too. Before we couldn't dance around the kitchen waving around fruit. Now we can have a lot more fun cooking, crafting and talking. It is an odd thing to try and get to know someone after having known them your entire life.
It is a hard thing to try to get to know someone you have known your entire life. It is exciting, scary and even hard sometimes...but so worth it. I am working through that very same thing and the hardest thing for me right now is to see what is really there instead of what I want to see. That holds me back more than anything. I love the picture of you guys dancing around the kitchen...helps me realize it is worth it and to keep trying, not to give up.
p.s. I swear the word verification is "momys" :-)
I am happy for you! Just as a little aside, it actually works that way for mothers too. I find myself looking for the people my children they have become and hugging their unique, independent beauty close to my heart.
The more we grow up and realize that our parents are people too the more we find value in them. Remember when you used to know it all? I do. Now I am not so sure. But I do think that I missed out on knowing my parents and them really knowing me because of all the foolishness. I think it is sweet that you dance around your kitchen with tropical fruit! A real moment...Enjoy the day! Erin
I knew that was a plantain before I even read the post. :p
love this post, very sweet, and so true about trying to see your mom as a person and not a mother.
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