I'm about to call it an evening, but before I do, I wanted to share what I found. I was surfing around various blogs when I came upon
Ullabenulla's (a really GREAT one!) and found this picture of the ever-fashionable and stunning Tilda
Swinton wearing a knock-out coral necklace. My head hurts less when I look at pictures of Tilda. Is it obvious that I have a crush on her?
very cool site. i emailed it to myself.
Tilda has a face which is timeless.
Tell me about it. :-)
Did you see the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe? I'm not a fan of cold weather, but she made me want to grab my coat.
Andrew! thanks for the plug, and I totally agree, Tilda is fabulous!!! I love her in Olando too!
Thank you for providing such great content! I've run across your blog before, but I just (re)found it again through my sister, Cynthia's blog.
Oh, we have another thing in common: We both collect Anne Choi beads. I have a small dragon's horde in a magic secret box.
And I love Tilda in just about anything she's in. Whether she's the a frosty witch set on Narnia-domination, or a hard-set wife on a cargo boat, or an arch-angel, or gender-shifting Virginia Woolf adapatation... she's great. She's also a voice in a movie called Blue and did a lot of work for artists, such as sleep in a glass case all day as a Snow-White.
Of course I saw that movie. The book had been my childhood favorite. I read it over and over.
I do not get ut of the house much, but THAT I saw in a theater!
I need to know if I may link to Ulla. should I email her? She astounds me!
I have one Anne Choi bead! does that count as a collection?
geesh, how forward of me. just an entrancing website!
I can't speak for her, but I don't think she'd mind. I totally link to people whether they like it or not. Ha ha ha.
And I think that counts for a collection. I'll take a picture of my collection later today to share. Though... I've got a couple of them on jewelry pieces that are out of the house. It is always so hard to part with them, even if I know I'm going to eventually get them back.
ok thanks--cause I don't want to lose her! she is fabulous!I just saw your colllection! I love that you love Anne Choi's beads so much.
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