Those who are familiar with my design work know that I love chain! I especially love the chaotic beauty of haphazardly twisted chain. I love the flowing quality it has.
I'm constantly inspired by my family and what we make. I've used two Green Girl Studios pieces in this design. One is the Tiny Mermaid Dangle and the other is the Large Mermaid Button. Both are in fine pewter. I've also used a Lillypilly Designs shell, a piece of Czech glass from Raven's Journey, pearls from Talisman Associates Inc., kyanite points from Cherry Tree Beads, and silver chain from Ornamentea in Raleigh, NC.
So good! I love kyanite. Michael and I went to a creek near Delaware once and found a bunch, though they were pretty rusty looking, it was still fun.
'Because of it's dark blue color, the ancient Greeks identified kyanite as the protective stone of seafarers. It was offered to those about to embark on long journeys.
It is ideal for wearing around the neck because it has beneficial effects on the throat. It promotes the ability to speak easily and express oneself and to learn languages.'
It's associated with Aries, Taurus and Libra.
hello andrew...i love it...and the chain is very cool...i also am a fan of the odd twisted chain...you've inspired me to make chain of my own...i used to do this and i'm not sure why i stopped...guess it's time to make some chain...thanks...
We're crazy about kyanite too! I love the little daggers. It sounds like a nice trip. Cynthia, Sheila and I used to talk about going to the various riverbeds around Asheville and collecting minerals there.
The closest that we got to was collecting "river-glass" from the local botanical gardens. Which, located next to college frat houses, made it an ideal location.
Hey Tony, I love handmade chain. In the near future I'm going to get a saw blade for my foredom and one of those small butane torches so that I can make some of my own here in Brooklyn. I just love love handmade chain.
It was fun, we had to walk on rocks through the creek and dig, but they were fairly easy to find. We've also collected garnets in Fairmont Park, mostly embedded in schist, but pretty cool. I have a book (one of way too many books ;-) called Gem Trails of PA and NJ that tells you where to go and what you'll find there. There are books listed here http://www.gemguidesbooks.com/
Your river glass sounds like fun, too! And there's a beach in Cape May where instead of sand it's all pebbles...people find Cape May 'diamonds' there.
Maybe it's time to start exploring again :-).
I think on my next trip down to Asheville, I will try to persuade them to go gem hunting again. It should be fun.
You'll probably find some amazing gems there!
Perhaps on one of my upcoming days off, if I'm feeling better, I'll make a short field trip out to do some gem hunting in neighboring Jersey.
There is one place that's not too far from the city. It's supposed to have carnelian, chalcedony, agate, quartz, smoky quartz and amethyst. That might be a good place to go. I can get you more info when you're ready to look into it. It looks like a fun trip.
Andrew, I am so glad you have been inspired by the Art Bead Scene challenge this month! July's theme is perfect for you, with all the great mermaid beads you seem to have in your collection.
And to respond to your thought, yes you can *officially* enter more than one entry each month...the more the merrier! It also increases your chances at our great prizes...
Hope you are feeling better this weekend.
I've got loads more, Melanie! I'm just so excited to be using them. Being sick has forced me to really sit down and rest. I just hate to be idle. So I've been making all this jewelry. I imagine I should get sick more often with this logic.
Thanks again for letting me know the low down on the *official* rules.
Also, let me know if you need/want any Green Girl Studios beads for the prize this month or for any future months. We'd be happy to send you a couple of goodies.
Yes I had to chain myself to my beading desk yesterday to get some things made. I actually did a couple of pieces with Green Girl beads...mermaids, moons, those cool circle disc things.
Actually I stole one of the pretty mermaids I had bought for my hubby and used her in one piece. He made me promise to replace it. He was kind to give away from his collection.
And thank you for the offer, we will contact you about future prizes! Thanks!
I love the use of the multiple chains. The Kyanite is so interesting and look like stick pearls. Of course the Green Girl Pewter is fantastic!
Hey Melanie, your husband must be awfully nice for "letting you borrow" one of his beads. My private collection is hidden away and I rarely part with them. I bring them out every once in a while for a quick polish and to stare at them with big gleaming saucer eyes. Then I put them back in the magic box and hide them away again.
Thanks so much Tari. I love chain. I love where it comes from, the history of it, and especially how it looks. Kyanite is also one of my favorites. The deep blue color definitely reminds me of the sea.
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