So, after a few days of frantic work, I decided to take a little break. It was absolutely beautiful outside today! After work, I went up to Bryant Park for some ice cream and then went bead shopping for some new designs for some up-coming competitions. Okay, so the bead shopping was more work oriented, but it was still fun. I then headed back down to Union Square, where I had a quick doze in the shade of the trees. It was so relaxing. I then browsed around Barnes and Noble before meeting up with Jenny to see the new Harry Potter movie.
Out of all the books, I think it was perhaps my least favorite of them, but the movie was all right. I liked it more than the last movie, which happened to be my favorite of the books. Some of the scenes in the latest movie were really amazing. I especially like the opening scenes, just before the Dementors show up. I guess the problem I have with these movies is that so much of the content has to be cut out for the sake of being timely, yet certain elements... unimportant things... are enhanced. That and sometimes solid acting is replaced by CGI effect distractions. But, all in all, I liked it. I am definitely looking forward to reading the next installment due out next week!
I have to get my order in for that next book. George will take about a day to read it, and then Michael and I will get it for me to read to him, and to read ahead for myself. The last movie was fun, but there were some very glaring differences that changed the story a bit, as I remember. Maybe I'll go to see this one...my sons have decided to go see Transformers with Carter, and don't seem as interested in this one.
It's good that you took a break. The weather was so beautiful today!
I am so tired...need to catch up on some rest, too.
I literally got motion-sickness from watching the fourth one. I'm not playing either. I almost puked in the aisle.
And, yeah... there were some huge glaring differences between the book and the movie. I wonder if eventually it will come back to haunt them. Many of the other books are built on sort of an internal cosomology of mystery that slowly unfolds with each book. So... I wonder if cutting out chunks in place for some made-up stuff will stand out too much and make the last book hard to set up. Who knows?
I see what you wrote to me and Im really happy you thought enough about me to lead the way...thankyou loads Andrew you are a love!
Are you saying that the last book will have to incorporate the movie story lines...I hadn't thought about that. I guess we'll see.
I remember the motion-sickness scenes...I can imagine that, especially up close to the screen.
I loved it! I thought it was right on (from what I remember)! Actually better than the book, which I thought got pretty drawn out in places. I think this one is my favorite!
I liked it more after I thought about it than when I had originally saw it. I think it is pretty on the mark and better than the book in different ways. Like, I like how they minimized a lot of the teen aganst that's in the book. Though I don't like how they cut out the business about the prophesy. It's pretty important stuff. My favorite is the third movie. I wonder who's directing the next movie?
Nevermind... I just did some web-research and saw that David Yates is coming back for the next one... should be good.
Remedies again...I had to look up Nux Vomica again for someone...happened to see that it also applies for motion-sickness...you should carry it with you.
I generally don't get motion-sick. It's just when it's in combination with things. For instance, one of my triggers for migraines and apparently for motion-sickness is excessive flashing lights.
Perhaps it's a war-wound from having worked in clubs with strobe lights.
The last Harry Potter kept shifting from bright to dark and back again... frequently and did very shifty camera angles.
Still fits, though...I guess I just live and breathe these things, so I just think of it whenever someone says something that reminds me of a remedy.
The sensitivity to lights, migraines, digestive upsets all fit the remedy.
Maybe working in clubs made you extra sensitive to these kinds of things...but we all have our individual tendencies to repeat certain syndromes..so that's a good indicator of what can help overall. It's like having a certain body-type or eye color...just part of what it is to inhabit a body ;-).
Not sure if I'm looking forward to the movie so much now ;-)... actually, Michael tells me I can't go without him...he wants to see this one, too...it'll be more fun that way anyway.
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