When I had originally selected the crystals, the color on my monitor must have been off, because I had thought that the pale (almost green-ish) color of jonquil was much darker and more of canary tone. However, in the long run, I quite like the color palette and pleased that the "honey piece" isn't over-the-top in its color symbolism.

Left: I normally don't model the jewelry I make on myself, however, I wanted to see how it looked worn without a mirror. None of my good friends were around... so I had to put it on myself. I quite like the piece. It was inspired by dripping honey.
Right: Here is one of the more elaborate and fancy techniques in photographing the piece. It was taken on a mirror to give it that nice sense of floating. It also makes it look like there was more beadwork done with the mirror-image.
Gorgeous! Very warm-dripping-honey-like.
I'm tickled by the combination of crystals and stubble, though ;-).
I love it. I entered too.
Ihave given you an award on my blog today, Andrew.
hi andrew...this piece is amazing...totaly honey...have you heard our latest news...
Cindy, I was going to crop out the stubble, but thought that the way the necklace wrapped around the neck would be lost... so I left it.
Hey Jean. Thanks so much... for your kind words and for your award. I don't think I smooze nearly as much as I used to.
Oh and your piece looks GREAT! I just love it. I thought about using some of that crystal chain in my design as well, but the length that I got was far too short.
Hey Tony... I just checked your blog and think that's just... wow. I mean, it's hard for me to even really form words. It's just... well... wow. I hate, hate, hate moving. Right now I have to either find a roommate or find a new apartment. Finding a new roommate is proving more challenging than I had originally thought. The labor-intensive interview process seemed much better than this Open House business that I've been doing. But we'll see. I've met a couple of nice people so far. It's just making that decision, and all.
I like it...when the mind has to work extra hard to put two very different mental images together...it tickles ;-)
Looks like there's going to be some lucky new roommate in Brooklyn soon...
Andrew--I got so much--typical of me...I have NO idea what I am going to do with it!!! I have a ton! Coco Chanel woud have stopped in her tracks to see even a thrid of what I thought I was going to need.
I tend to do that.
Well, there's always the Thailand competition, Jean.
I'm still deciding Cindy. I have to wait and see if some of them write back. Though I did see a big difference in how I related to them and how we connected. For instance, with someone of them I just was quiet and tried to let them do the talking. I guess it made them uncomfortable. But with the others I was more personable and it seemed to make them want to live here a lot. We'll see. The common factor was all of them saying, "It's so big! It's so cheap!"
So... we'll see.
This piece is pure sunshine... nectar. I love it.
Thanks so much Kateri!
Awww its like Imperial light! its very lovely Andrew!
Thanks Janet! That's very kind of you to say.
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