I'm back in the City. It's strange to be back after being away for so long. I came home to a small mountain of paperwork and many errands that needed to be run. Needless to say, there will be a period of adjustment. Not only am I going to have to get used to City dwelling again, but I'll also have to go without my family for a time (at least until I see them in Hawaii). It's strange not waking up to the sound of small feet pitter-pattering down the hall or the smell of a pot of coffee brewing that I haven't put on myself.

In other news, I just finished all of the Sookie Stackhouse literature there is to be read that is available. I can't wait until the new book,
Dead and Gone, comes out.
CLICK HERE to read chapter one. I'm smitten with her world and although I think I might be a little disconcerted at having someone around who can read my mind and know all my darkest secrets, I think that Sookie and I would be good friends.
We do both like sweet tea.

I also happened to catch
Coraline in 3-D. I was a big fan of the book by
Neil Gaiman and was happy to see that it was being brought to life on the big screen. I enjoyed it very much. Though to be perfectly honest, I don't think that 3-D is my "thing." I had to sit pretty close to the screen and was pretty motion sick by the end of it.
I've been taking it slow getting back into the routine of things. I know there's a mountain of work ahead of me, but I also know that if I just try and dive in, all it'll do is stress me out and not allow me to really focus. I figure that taking some time to decompress and adjust is the smart way of starting.
Welcome back!
you are missed....x
You guys make me want a sibling! Such a lovely dynamic! Thanks for taking me on the adventure with you!
Do you know there's a Sookie Stackhouse series on television? It's on some cable channel, I can't remember which, but the show was very interesting - it has Anna Pacquin as Sookie.
Welcome home Andrew!
Hey Cristi and Norma! Thanks so much. It's good to be back, but I miss my family!
I miss you too, Nina!
If you get a chance, you should come and visit here in New York. It'd be a lot of fun and I live just far enough out that it isn't a chaotic mess that most of the City can be.
Hey Gaea!
You know, I'm very fortunate, because several years ago I wasn't really on speaking terms with my siblings. Our lives just pulled us in different directions that rarely overlapped. It's hard to imagine how life would be if things were to continue as they had.
But I am very fortunate to have my family and have my friends.
Hey Sue!
Yes I did know about TrueBlood. It's good. Our friend Erica Cessna introduced us to the show. It's funny because the first time we watched it we were absolutely horrified by all the graphic nudity and swearing, and each time we were like, "Okay... I'm going to turn this off." And somehow we ended up putting another on... and another... and another. It was like were junkies or something.
Since it's not appropriate for little ones, we'd send Azalea to bed early. She was horrified herself at such an early bed time. (She's used to hanging around us while we're working at night.)
How lovely to see you writing again. I miss you here in my sunny house, every time I'm in the kitchen I think of you.
It's cold and windy and snowy here in New York, Kate McKinnon and I miss you too. I miss your sunny and bright kitchen and all the feasting we did especially.
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