Saturday, February 28, 2009
Jen Tong in Sweet Surrender...

Friday, February 27, 2009
Thorazine in the Solarium...

Farewell, Domino Magazine...

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Eye of the Beholder...

New York, New York...

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Beaded Links...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Australian Beading Magazine Mention...

Friday, February 20, 2009
A Happy Heart...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A Heaving Sigh...
I find myself thinking off into the future, trying to ponder the age old question of: What's next?
In less than a week I'll be heading back to New York. Strange to think how limited my time here in the mountains is. In the beginning of March, I'm meeting up with the family in Hawaii for a bead show and for some rest and relaxation. It'll be nice to lay out in the sun and zen out a little. The ocean has been calling me.
Afterwards, there are a lot of different prospects. I am excited with all of the possibility and the potential.
Monday, February 16, 2009
All This Possibility...

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Dead To The World...

While finishing up some last minute details, we've been listening to the Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris. The most recent one listened to was Dead to the World. Can you say, "Smitten Kitten?" Well, that's me. I can't get enough of these books. Not only are they greatly entertaining, but I can work to them! Normally when listening to books on tape, I sit in perfect quiet stillness, my mouth hanging slightly ajar, eyes gazing off distantly as the words pour into my ears. Luckily this is not the case.
One side effect, besides the constant consideration and thinking about of Sookie's world is that many of my thoughts have taken on a slightly more Southern flare and are narrated in a voice not my own, but of the woman who reads them named Johanna Parker. Even these words are ringing in my head in that very distinctive voice!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Beaded Links...
Melissa ponders how the jewelry of one's youth informs a designer's style.
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
The amazing Margot Potter is coming out with a new book, Beyond the Bead, by Margot Potter--next week! Read all about it, here!
Katie's Beading Blog
Katie's spreading the beady love with free shipping and a CRYSTALLIZED™ jet twist pendant with your purchase of the new book, Bead & Wire Jewelry Exposed, from her website. Offer ends Thursday, Feb. 19th.
Jewelry & Beading
Using a bead frame, you can create a special necklace.
Earthenwood Studio Chronicles
Melanie is touched by the golden fingertips of creativity, in part two of her earworm inspiration journey.
Carmi's Art Life World
Carmi recreates a vintage embroidered brooch using hand sewn linens.
A great new way to share our free earring project e-newsletters with your friends.
Art Bead Scene
A kiss inspires the ABS monthly challenge.
About.com Jewelry Making
Is Etsy passe' for jewelry designers? Is it time to move on? Google seems to think so.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
On the Road Back...
Here's a clip from the road. Each place has its own magic and I love seeing the country unfurl and fly by the window. If you decide to watch it, watch it all the way through. The background music is Mogwai.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Night in Memphis...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
About.com Jewelry Making
Valentine's Day is a big jewelry day, or is it? For those who sell jewelry, you may find this poll interesting.
Art Bead Scene
It's cold outside. An art button suceeds as the finishing touch on a handmade neck warmer.
Barbe Saint John - New Jewelry from Forgotten Artifacts
Need to get your jewelry business office skills up to date? Check out this source.
Bead&Button magazine
A new design resource for beaders--check it out!
Carmi's Art/Life Blog
Carmi creates a broach using old fashioned rug hooking techniques.
Earthenwood Studio Chronicles
Inspiration comes to Melanie in an unusual form... an earworm and musical artist that she dislikes.
Jewelry & Beading
Seed bead mania hits Jewelry&Beading. Wanna play?
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
Jean is honored to have her jewelry design book, Links, by Jean Yates, get a jolly good review by a really cool beading magazine over in Great Britain!
Strands of Beads
Melissa is inspired by dream catchers to create a spring necklace.
A Portrait of Me...

To Amarillo...
During the night, the snow had fallen and the normally brown and dusky mountains in the background were snow-capped and all white. It was strange and some how fitting for our last morning in town.

We were making pretty good time. Greg had decided on a short-cut on up through Silver City, New Mexico. We would be going through the Gila National Forest. At first the roads were pretty deserted, level, and the speed limit higher. But eventually the flatlands turned rough, and the roads zig-zagged higher and higher. The storm was at our backs, the winds howling and shaking the mini-van. We snaked our way through, sometimes over ice and snow, curling and bending with the ribbon-like road.

Greg was starting to get tired of the constant weaving through the labyrinth of road, so we briefly stopped. I got outside and took a quick picture. Although the view was amazing and the ride absolutely gorgeous, I knew that it was a treacherous place. If the wind blew any harder, I would have been in danger of being swept off the mountain-top.

Monday, February 09, 2009
I am a little sad about it. It's true that there are a lot of things that I miss and am looking forward to getting back to, but the desert is in my heart. It's in my heart and it just so happens that many of my good friends convene upon it a handful of times a year. I get to see some of the most creative and brilliant people I know. I am moved by their beauty and their ideas and the things that they make. I am moved by them.
The 1,111th post that I've made on this blog is devoted and dedicated to Tucson and the time that I've just spent in it. I've had such a delightful time.
Our experience would not have come together either if it weren't for the Fusion Girls, the folks at Interweave Press and Kalmbach Publishing, the fine folks at Softflex and Beadalon, all of the other vendors, and especially all of the customers who came out to see me at the shows. I had a most excellent time connecting with new faces and old ones. You all were great!
Last Show Day...
Wear a Green Girl Studios piece and get a free bead!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Bye, Bye, Best Bead Show...

Friday, February 06, 2009
After Hours...

Above: Katie Wall of Fusion Beads, Margot Potter, William, Greg, and Lindsay Burke of Fusion Beads.
We eventually gave up on trying to hear each other's conversations over the loud music and retreated to a restaurant to continue our words. We landed in Sullivan's. Unfortunately the kitchen was closed already and we could only enjoy our drinks and each other.

Swarovski Party...

Above: The talented Jamie Hogsett and I pose for the camera. She's such a gem! Not only is she a wonderful designer, but she's an accomplished author (of five books and magazine articles) and she's a whole heck of a lot of fun. I always like seeing Jamie. She's a genuinely good person.

Above: The delightful Starr of the seed bead Mecca, Beyond Beadery. She's an awesomely kind woman who has a big heart full of honey and sweetness.

New Softflex Trio...

Thursday, February 05, 2009
To Friends and Creativity...