I've been on a sphinx kick and it won't shake loose. After I listened to The Dweller in High Places, I found myself looking for sphinx-inspired beads and pendants. Here's what I came up with:

C) Bottlecap Pendant with Chain, Sphinx by alteredgirl on Etsy.
D) One of a kind resin-encased, hand-carved and painted sculpture, in a cast sterling silver bezel done by my sister, Cynthia Thornton. Private Collection of Melissa J. Lee.

E) 18 K Egyptian Jewelry Sphinx Pendant available through Amazon.
G) Gold-plated Sphinx Bead (back reads: The final mystery is oneself.) by my family at Green Girl Studios.
these are great, I think my favorite is the one by green girl studios. and I not just saying that because your related!
sorry, I mean "you're"
Andrew, you might like the attached necklace by Andy Smith with an Off Center Productions porcelain cab and scarab.url:
We love making scarabs. Andy added gold wire and it surely came alive. Joan Tucker
Hey Sarkilahti! Glad you're back in Brooklyn safe and sound and that you are enjoying some persimmons. My favorite are the fuyu ones. They are firmer and less mushy.
I also really love the one that my family makes. It's simple, but really powerful.
Hey Joan! I recognize you and you all's work! Aren't you just down the way from us in Tucson? Also at Bead and Button, right?
Well, great job on the scarabs! And good work to Andy Smith for that lovely necklace. I am particularly fond of the blue green ones you all make. They look like Egyptian faience. I used to study Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern art history back in college and would love to go to the museums and galleries and look at the Egyptian faience pieces. It's true that I used to covet them. Especially the little votive statues of Bes and Taweret.
Andrew, It is one of those things we know Green Girl and also your work.. yet we are pretty new to the circuit.A bit shy still getting known. We love researching antiquities!!
We were at Bead and Button and also Tucson.. doing Best Bead again this year in Second Hall #20/21
If you email me a mailing address
I will send you one of our blue green "Antiquities" pieces to play with.Email: thepathwithheart@comcast.net
Hope you are having a great sale. Joan Tucker Off Center Productions
Hey Joan!
I think that even though you're new to the circuit, people take notice of good work!
I'll be at both of those shows again this year! I might be in and out of the Best Bead show, as we've got another show going at the same time. So I might have to spend half the time there and half the time at the To Bead True Blue show.
Thanks so much for your generous offer! That'd be wonderful!
Thanks again!
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