Thursday, December 04, 2008

Sheila is Moving...

My sister Sheila, a very talented painter and artist based out of L.A., is moving her blog to Wordpress.  CLICK HERE to go to her new digs.  You'll be able to keep up with her artistic endeavors and see what projects she's currently working on.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Andrew!

Andrew Thornton said...

No, problem! Good luck with the new site. Tell me how you like it. I really like Blogger.

Andrew Thornton said...

Hey Cheryl Ann!

Yep, Sheila has her blog at Wordpress now instead of Blogger.

My Thanksgiving was very mellow and good. I hope your's was good too! Did you go home and what not to visit your family or did you stick around Asheville?

I am excited to be back in New York, but I miss my family. It's good though because I have time to myself and to some projects that I've been meaning to get to. So, it's both good and bad all at once.

Save your money and maybe make your way up to New York! I've got a couple of packs and we'd be more than happy to have you! We could go to all the museums and all the galleries. We'd look at art until your eyes are about to explode and fall out of your head. Well, that doesn't sound very good, but you know what I mean.