I thought that perhaps this winter I would be able to skirt around being sick. I had grand fantasies that if I stayed inside and never left the house, I'd be immune to the nasties floating about. Unfortunately I did have to leave and the combination of pressure and stress just caught up to me. So, I've been nursing my maladies quietly, trying not to fuss on my blog. I don't want to sound like I'm chronically ill. It does feel that way though. Anyway, I'll be resting and recovering from my minor aliments. If I don't get right back to you right away, then I apologize, but I'm most likely lying prostrate, slathered in vapor rub and dipping in and out of cold medicine blurred consciousness. So sorry, but I am feeling a little bit better and should be much recovered soon.
Sending wellness and health your way!
Hi Andrew well they cant keep a good man down so youll be popped back up soon! LOL I dunno prolly no matter what you do door handles, doors etc etc etc tons of sick ppl around and some that dont wash their hands too. I hope your feeling better soo! I wavent been really sick in AGES I remebmber being really sick sometimes as a kid. BAM now watch me get sick hope not! Oh and your house looks so lovely! x
you poor guy....sending you good health thoughts and just rest....rest....rest....
none of us get enough and sometimes i think that is the body's way of slowing us down for a second.
here's hoping that you are feeling better soon!
I'm pretty amazed actually... but since I've posted this post, I'm feeling much better. Maybe it's all the good health vibrations being sent my way...
Or maybe it's the cold medicine kicking in...
Or both...
Either way, I'm glad of it.
Alas, it's a bad time of year. Hope you are continuing to recover speedily.
Hey Melissa, I'm feeling a little better. Still on the mend, but making progress. Hope you're having a good holiday season!
andrew, here's a natural way to help you feel better....use coarse sea salt take a hot bath hot as you can stand it put a generous handful of sea salt in tub and soak.... Once out get under blankets & sweat...this helps me from a holistic source. Also get lemons & raw honey...boil water... Use large cup add a half lemon squeeze juice in add generous spoon of honey add hot water add the half lemon you squeeze and drink this... Three times a day this will help you feel better... Use this all the time... Feel better! Enjoy reading your blog! Take care
Thanks so much! I'll be sure to try this out. I've been taking SUPER hot showers and using this camphor, eucalyptus, and peppermint aromatherapy soap. My sinuses feel great and open... at least for an hour or so.
I'll make sure to do the lemon thing tonight. It sounds like a nice drink anyway.
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