Monday, May 05, 2008

Tortured Hearts...

I just got my first "Tortured Heart" by Tony Blackwell of Zoa Art in the mail today. It's amazing! Tony and Lisa just started their first Etsy site and feature an assortment of hand-crafted goodies there. Not only is their stuff pretty darn awesome, but so is the service they provide. I got my "tortured heart" in what seems like a heartbeat. It came securely packaged and (did I mention?) very quickly! Great job, guys!


Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

I love mine. xox

Andrew Thornton said...

Isn't it just wonderful?!!?!? I'm totally smitten.

Andrew Thornton said...

And so are all my co-workers who've seen it!

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

yes. I haven't used it yet but I might use it in my (shhh) proposal. moving slow on that here. Our son broke his nose at school. things have been hard at sudden times. he is well though. It's just me. I will suddenly get upset. I don't understand this. Usually I am tougher!