While at an excursion to Gimme! Coffee for my caffeine-fix I picked up a copy of a compilation disk called, P.S. 318 Warehouse Songs. It's produced by a really great organization called Local Correspondents. One of the songs on the album is "Homeward Bound" by Tanya Buziak. Sometimes you hear a song that in combination with the surrounding circumstances, strikes you full in the chest and makes you feel. It's a powerful phenomenon. For me, at this time, this was one of those songs.
I felt horribly homesick for my family. I'm pretty content here in the City. Things are seemingly going fairly well. Even if things weren't going as desired and I wasn't peachy, I'd definitely be too busy to take notice. But it has been such a long time since I've seen my family and I miss them dearly. I especially miss Azalea. I could feel all of my heartstrings being yanked up from deep inside me.
When this happens, I feel a sense of fierce hermitism. Along with that is a strong urge to nest and set down new roots, deep and anchoring.
I felt horribly homesick for my family. I'm pretty content here in the City. Things are seemingly going fairly well. Even if things weren't going as desired and I wasn't peachy, I'd definitely be too busy to take notice. But it has been such a long time since I've seen my family and I miss them dearly. I especially miss Azalea. I could feel all of my heartstrings being yanked up from deep inside me.
When this happens, I feel a sense of fierce hermitism. Along with that is a strong urge to nest and set down new roots, deep and anchoring.

After these small indulgences, I do feel a little better. I still miss my family, but it doesn't sting quite as much as it first did.
Awww, I hope you get to see them soon Andrew! Little Azalea probably misses you too!
I love this bed, it's really cool. If I had $15,000 I'd totally donate it to you for this bed.
And yum, lemon anything. My favorite.
Chin up, Love!
I get homesick too. my memories are what I have. I treasure them.that bed would help me too, with the lemon wafers and the lemon curd!
one day we both shall have that bed, or one equally as lovely.
I loves you little hakim.
Oh my god, I WANT THAT BED. That is a piece I would build an entire house decor theme around.
definately the most perfect bed ever. last time i checked i didn't have an extra 15 grand laying around either. (i hate it when that happens) :-)
maybe we could get a group together to buy it and pass it around the country so everyone gets a chance to sleep in the dreamy nesty bed.
no...that won't work. can't see myself sharing.
hope you get to see the family soon....that is hard....
Thanks for all the warm-hearted comments. I'll get to see my family shortly in Milwaukee at Bead & Button. I'm going to be crazy busy getting ready for it... so much so that I probably won't notice as much the homesickness.
And that bed just rocks! I could totally make that bed, but only on a miniature scale. Doesn't do me too much good, but maybe Azalea might have a doll that would benefit.
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