Friday, August 03, 2007

To The Island...

I made another trip to Coney Island today. I wanted to come during a weekday and not during a music festival to avoid the throngs of people. A few others had this idea as well and were out and about at the beach. I did a lot of walking and thinking and watching. I'm also VERY RED right now. I also have a small collection of items that I found, but I don't think I'll take pictures of them until after I clean them up.

My camera's battery gave out and the above picture is the only picture that marks the trip. It's a close-up of one of the rocks that make up one of the jetties. I love the texture of it.


Cynthia Thornton said...

Hi Andrew! Thats a cool pic! I just finished HP! Very good! Sheila is reading it and can't put it down.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

that pic is like you took my childhood and just...encapsulated it. I feel my feet on the jettys, stepping around the seaweed and the shells, and I hear the sound of the ocean and feel the ocean breeze. Because I was small...things looked close up, like that. thanks!!!

Andrew Thornton said...


I LOVE HARRY POTTER! I felt very satisfied with everything. I was confused at some points, but after thinking about them longer... I discovered that she was indeed correct and my confusion came from things I had forgotten.

Andrew Thornton said...

Hey Jean, I'm glad that this picture could bring you back for a bit. I'm glad when an image can do something!