Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Elizabeth Murray...

I just found out that the artist Elizabeth Murray died earlier this month. It is a strange thing, when one of your icons dies and only much later does the news trickle back to you.
Left: "Her Story" by Elizabeth Murray. Oil on "irregular-shaped" canvases.

When I was deciding to pursue a career in the visual arts, I saw a movie called, Art City: Making it in Manhattan. It was an interview style documentary with several different critics and artists at the time and their stories about the art world. One of the artists interviewed was Elizabeth Murray.

When I finally made it to New York, I set out to meet all the artists in the movie. Most of them I have, Elizabeth Murray included. I was so moved by her art and what she has contributed. When I met her, I didn't know what to say. Instead I smiled and she smiled back.

And she asked, "What artists are you looking at..."

1 comment:

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

and look at her art work! it looks like her!

you just made me cry