His men had taken to calling him "Old Man Neptune" behind his back. He did not mind this. Season after season, the salt, sea, and sun had etched their lines upon his face. His mop of hair smelled briny and looked like a wounded seagull; his slicker had become a second skin. One eye stared out across the placid, glassy surface of the ocean expanse. The other was fixed upon the ever-churning depths of his dark Mistress. The Captain thought how the crew's nick-name fit him, even better than his own.I haven't done an
Illustration Friday piece in a while now. I really wanted to get back in the swing of things. This is my submission for the theme, "Captain." It's a pretty quick one, done in various layers of mixed media. After I read the theme, a little narrative formed in my head (posted above) and that is what I drew my primary inspiration from.
Thats really good Andrew I love it!
Great illustration. Good to see your skills back on I.Fri.
magnificent illo and story! you are great with details..
In all the surf of the web, I have n'er encountered a more sea-worthy illustration! Keep swashbuckling matey!
Impressive work!
Dark and moody! Cool.
Really nice. Great colors and mood! Thanks for your comment.
Great work. Love the distinct expression. A military salute to you.
Wonderful piece...filled with so much character. The narrative is enchanting as well. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Hi Andrew,
I like the series and the films of Star Trek… But a long time ago that I don’t have them to look at… Your captain is an old wolf of sea like one says at home… It saw thousand storms and knows the whole ports of the world. Very pretty drawing!
Have a excellent weekend
Cool lighting and very dark, dramatic, I like the power you created in the character.
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