Yesterday, Sheila and I packed up the rental SUV and made our way up to New York. I don't think that we could have packed the vehicle as fast or as well without the help of our friend, TJ. Even with his help, I had a heavy bucket in my lap and my legs in a yoga position to fit as much of our stuff in the rental as possible.
Most of the trip flew by the window, blurs in a sit-still-motion.
We made pretty good time until we got to the New Jersey Turnpike and Staten Island. A few of the exits were closed as well as some of the bridges. We ended up taking a detour all around Woodbridge and Perth, which is home to 3% Sale Tax as their welcome sign proudly displays.
With all the delays, we got in around 4:30 AM. We quickly untethered our foam mattress beds and went fast to sleep.
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