Dark and early, I got up this morning to grab my flight back to New York. It was a pleasant surprise running into the
Vintaj crew at the terminal and even more so to find out that our seats were right next to each other! It was good to have familiar travel companions.

However, upon arrival in Chicago, the weather did not bode well for good travel conditions for destinations onward. In fact it was snowy and icy and promised to be even more chilly further down the road.
My plane was delayed taking off, then delayed in landing. We were put into a holding pattern over La Guardia, circling over and over until we were running low on fuel and had to land in Hartford, Connecticut to refuel. Hours later after taking off and once again entering into a holding pattern over La Guardia, we finally landed. I am finally home. I am exhausted. My sinuses are burning like fire. It's time for bed.
NICE! Welcome home! Geez, can you believe the weather here?? I think I would cry if I went somewhere warm and had to come back to this depressing weather.
I can't believe you had such a rough end of the trip. I thought ours was bad enough... you poor baby :(
Gah!!! glad you are back!!! xox jean
Hey Lorelei...
It sort of felt that way the last couple of days. I didn't really want to leave. I didn't get to spend as much time with my friends and family as I would have liked. It was sad leaving.
Hello friends at Vintaj!
Yeah, it was nasty for me at the last, but at least it's over now. I don't really remember our leg of the trip at all. I was completely knocked out. I'm lucky in that I can sleep through almost anything. I'm glad that the guy sitting in the window seat didn't have to get up at all and wake me up. EeK! I hope he didn't get a bladder infection because of me.
Hey Jean! I'm glad to be back as well. Though I miss my family and friends something mighty.
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