Many hours later, Greg and Bob Burkett were picking me up from the airport here in Tucson.
It was so nice to see everyone. Our friend Eva is helping out with the shows and it was really good to catch up with her. I haven't seen her in a while now since they've moved out to the Northwest. It was also delightful to see Tony and Lisa Blackwell of Zoa Art who are sharing the house with us. Best of all... it was really wonderful seeing Girl Wonder! She's getting so big. I hugged her so much.
Today was the first real day that I was here in Tucson. We were setting up at the Manning House for the To Bead True Blue show. Make sure to drop by and say hello! We're in the atrium.
After we closed down for evening on the first day, we headed over to the Interweave Press Party at the Tucson Museum of Art. It was a lot of fun!
Left: Here's a quick snapshot of Katie Wall of Fusion Beads in Seattle and Heather Wynn of Milton, Florida.
Part of the reason why Tucson is so wonderful is that you get to see all your friends from the shows. Sometimes it'll be months (if not a year) from the last time you saw them, and sometimes they are your neighbors and are right around the corner.
Left: Our local friends from Asheville, Tony Blackwell of Zoa Art and Melissa who works at Chevron Trading Post. Tony makes the most beautiful glass beads.
Left: Melinda Barta of Stringing and Beadwork and Jamie Hogsett of Family Glass and author of several books. Jamie wrote Simply Stringing and co-wrote the Create Jewelry Series with Marlene Blessing. Melinda just finished up a book on focal pieces and will be working on a new one with Danielle Fox.

Left: The very talented Heather Wynn and I. I don't get to see much of Heather Wynn these days, which is quite a shame. She's one of my good friends who is one of the sweetest people I know, a genuine good spirit. Heather Wynn makes really gorgeous polymer pieces.
Left: Here's a picture of Azalea! We found a dandelion on the way out of the party and she started blowing on it... making lots of wishes. Seeing her is my wish come true!
It has been a long day and I'm tired. It has started off as such a nice trip. How could one not be happy when they are surrounded by their friends and family?
Hi Andrew!
I was thinking there wouldn't be any posts from you until you got back! I am glad to see you are letting us not so fortunate ones, in on the Tucson fun!
It's so cool to see people that I know of from the jewelry publications, are actually REAL! I never knew what Heather Wynn looked like, and now I know she is as beautiful as her jewelry is!
aww!! that is soooo sweet!
thank you kindly!
I love you so very much Andrew T
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