Right now, all I want is time. I want undisturbed time in a light-filled room to sit and make and think and do so without distraction or obligation. I would like the niceness of being able to go for a walk - a leisurely one set to the rhythms of my own internal beat. I would like the pleasure of being able to sit and talk and not wonder about the clock - if I've said too much or not enough. I'd like to sit and look at Turner paintings without wondering if I'll be late or if I need to get to bed.
I think that's what I'd like. I'd like to simply enjoy life and work out some thoughts that have been building up in my brain. I'd like to finish some of my writing projects and finish paintings and start new ones and do some drawings and make some jewelry and just have time to make... I never have time to make things anymore. I'll think about these things in a half-daze while I doze in and out of consciousness as I sway upon the train. All I want is more time...
amen, sweet friend.
you are such a treasure.
Golly, me too. Sign me up! I'm working so hard now because it is my full intention to spend my "golden years" doing exactly as I please and exactly what pleases me at any given moment.
If only I had more hands and more hours...
Boy, I hear you. This white girl barely has time to do anything anymore--not anything substantial, anyway. I have blinks of time here and there, but, like you said, not just a huge block of undisturbed free time. That would be so nice...
I understand Andrew, and I am hoping that some of this feeling is simply coming from the continued fallout of the arrival home and the exhaustion factor. I hope you GET your time...I hope it is filled wth peace and joy and creative energy and belongs just to you!
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