Today was the last day of the shows and it was bittersweet. I have enjoyed my time here in Tucson so much! It is great to be surrounded by my friends and family and to be inundated with creativity. I really do cherish this opportunity. It is such a blessing to be apart of such a vital and strong community. I couldn't help but feel a sense of loss as we packed up our booth.
Left: I got these lovely Raku beads out in the tent at the Best Bead Show early in the morning. (I'm really glad that I got there early so that I could look around a bit.) The finishes on the beads are great! I love how rustic and organic they are.

Left: Cynthia spotted this
Anne Choi brooch (one that she hasn't made in a long time) in one of the other vendors' cases. She quickly snapped it up and gave it to me. Isn't it remarkable? I know it was hard for her because she also collects Anne Choi beads. It was very thoughtful and generous of her to do so, when she could have easily kept it for herself.
Thank you Cynthia!
Left: Heather Wynn left yesterday. I will miss her so much! She's one of my best good bead show buddies! With people I like, I always feel as though there isn't enough time with them. She really is a true darling. Not only is she an amazing soul, but she's very talented.
Everyone is leaving and if that wasn't disappointing enough on its own, I've been a little under the weather and sneezing like crazy. It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't a bunch of drama
in the air, but what can one do? Just plan ahead for next year, I suppose. Every obstacle will be overcome.
you are sweet as an apple dumpling, Andrew.
Gorgeous. I love the purple clay rounds.
And the bird pendants are my favorite. I wish Heather would make pendants with owls. How cool would that be?
grand idea :)
I hope I'm the first to know (next to Andrew) if you do make them!!!
Heather Wynn, you should make an owl bead for sure! Maybe a new little goodie for Bead & Button or for your New York show.
Did you see the owl pendant? Heather Wynn granted our greatest wishes with a beautiful owl pendant. I saw it on her website and ordered it immediately! My very first Heather Wynn "pretty".
me...*jumping up and down like a maniac!!
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