I just found out who our special guest performer will be this year at the party in Tucson and she's GOOD!
Like so good it hurts kind of good. Her name is
Leila Lopez and her music is just fabulous.
CLICK HERE to check out her MySpace page. She's got a voice that's warm and rich and makes me think of woodgrain. She and
Courtney Robbins will be performing together and solo for our little gathering.
We're thrilled to have them play for us!
Yo. We need a newsletter with this info and show dates, places maybe new stuff. One page oughtta do it. Call me, bro. This girl is goood! I'm so happy our party music isn't lame. Just imgine how annoying it would be to talk over drummers. Nice work!
Will do! I'll draw it out tonight, but I've got to crash for the evening soon. My eyes are burning. I'll call you tomorrow during my lunch break.
I'm really happy as well! I think it'll be a really fun time.
Leila Lopez rocks! I love it! Going to download....
Isn't she great!?!?!?
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