Tuesday, January 01, 2008


This New Year's Eve was a quiet one. No crazy dressing up. No midnight kisses. No champagne count-downs. It was spent with friends and I think that's what is important. Sometimes the pretense of what things are supposed to be over-shadow what really is. I don't know what is to come down the road. I can only hope for more genuine moments.


Michelle B. Hendry said...

Andrew, I have been reading your blog for a couple of weeks now and I find you have such wonderful way of looking at the world, at creativity. This post and the last, Oranges, really make a wonderful point that happiness is most often in the most simple things.

Happy New Year,

Andrew Thornton said...

Thanks Michelle! Happy New Year to you as well. In writing my blog, I think a lot about creativity and the various different approaches to it. I think it's easy to forget that EVERYTHING is involved with a creative life: food, the streets you pass as you go about your day, paintings, jewelry, everything.

And I agree, the simple things sometimes are the most powerful sources of happiness.