I am so excited about Tucson! It should be awesome.
Last year we were fortunate enough to be graced by performances by Courtney Robbins and
Coyote Grace! They were AMAZING! This year we're inviting Courtney back to perform again! Make sure to stop by her
WEBSITE and check out her album,
Red Sky In Morning.
Hey Andrew,
Did I tell you that Coyote Grace stopped by my place in Asheville last summer? Apparently my old housie Papillon knew them through mutual friends and they were on their way through so they stopped by for drink, food and a jamp sesh!!! Steve and Brian were there also and come to find out Brian knew Courtney's mom from the summer camp were Jen and Brian met!
What a pleasure and experience it was to have them in the house casually playing on our couch. And it was only after they left that I put two and two together and realized they were the band you had play in Tucson lastyear.
Ever heard and angel sing?...
p.s. andrew...say hey to all the cool kids in tucson and enjoy the weather. looks like we're in for more snow up here in the northeast.
(jamp sesh=jam session)
I'm excited, too! I can't wait to see you guys.
Hey Thomas Jay,
I'll definitely let all the cool kids know that you're thinking about them and that you say, "Hello!"
I actually did hear that the mighty fine folks of Coyote Grace were crashing with you all. They truly are amazing people. Both of them are VERY talented and so humble and down to earth. It was a surprise last year that they got to perform for us and I'm so glad that they did.
I believe they're in Northern California right now. So I don't think they'll be able to play this year. I wonder who Courtney will bring along with her. Tucson has such an incredible local music scene from what I've gathered so far.
EVA!!! You're going to be in Tucson TOO?!?!?!?!? I didn't know that. Are you working for Talisman? Or are you helping out on one of our booths? Or are you coming just to chill? I can't wait to see you! WOW! This is going to be a great TRIP!!!!
I'm going to be working with Cynthia! Greg is buying my plane ticket tonight, actually, and I'll be a Green Girl employee for the week! I'll arive Monday, 2/4, and will be there through the next Monday. I'm so excited, it's killing me.
HURRAY!!! HURRAY!!! If it's okay with you, we'll have to trade off on some of the days for the different shows so that I can visit with some of my people at the Best Bead Show. Ideally I would like to be there the day that Moth Woman and Rob go to Delectables for gazpacho. Yum! Yum! Yum! That and I can't wait to see Candice and Paul, and our neighbor Lillian who works for Scotsdale Beads, and the Lillypilly gals, and... there's just too many to name. Pretty please!
Hey, I'll work wherever you guys need me to. I'm just excited to see everyone!
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