Everyday on my way to work, I pass this
vacant lot which is home to a variety of shipping containers and freight storage units. It is often times littered with trash and broken bottles. However, I have noticed that beauty is ever subversive and has taken hold of this strong-hold of angular industrial disparity. Along the chain-link fence grows a twisting leafy vine, morning glory. The bright purple and white blooms can only be seen early in the
pre-dawn hours, just about the same time as I make my way to work.
I love seeing sights like that...like when I find new green growth bursting up through cracks in the cement, where you would not expect it to grow. Mother Nature is one tough lady!
Small blessings abound! What beauty...that touches the soul
Hey Melanie! You would love the Brooklyn Navy Yard then. If I get a moment or two, I'll walk by and snap a couple of pictures. But basically the entire naval base was shut down and all that remains are the old buildings, long since vacant. Mother Nature had another plan. She intended bury the lot with branches and vines. It is a ruined place that is magical.
I used to do a studio visit out there. While I was there, I would picnic under the mulberry trees and their huge leaves for lunch.
Hey Janet! It sure is a blessing. Little things like this are the only things that really get me through the day sometimes.
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