While I am very excited to begin my vacation, it was a little sad to say goodbye to my regulars. Today seemed particularly full of familiar faces. I think that the relationships you form with people are some of the most important things in life. Even if it's the most simple and benign interactions, there is the potential for greatness. For instance, we get a group of writers of young adult books who come in and write together, like Maureen Johnson, Scott Westerfeld, Cassandra Clare, Libba Bray, and Robin Wasserman. They've been coming in for over a year now. I see them busily clicking away at their keyboards and I can't help but wonder if some small spark of inspiration or creativity was exchanged. Was the bat sandwich in one of their novels inspired by their lunch they had that day?

One of the last regulars I said goodbye to was Robin Wasserman. Her latest book, Skinned, will debut in a few short weeks on September 9th. She is so nice and has the most hilarious blog. CLICK HERE to check it out. With her was a face I didn't recognize, but was none other than Sarah Rees Brennan, author of the forthcoming book, The Demon's Lexicon (due out Summer 2009).
I'll be returning to a neighborhood I used to work and live in for years, and although I'll be happy to reconnect with a different set of familiar faces... I will still think on all of the friendships made over coffee, cookies, and sandwiches in The Village.
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