I was reading on the train when I realized that I missed my stop.
Instead of switching sides in the station and waiting for the next train to go back to my stop (which was only one stop away), I decided to walk home. The day was not too terribly hot and it wasn't too humid out. On the way home there is a small park and it afforded me the opportunity to sit in the shade of an oak tree while reading outside on a sunny day.
The park housed a small playground. As I sat there, I couldn't help but notice the neighborhood children swinging on swings and climbing on jungle-gyms and dangling impossibly from metal bars sprouting from the concrete expanse. Laughter and sing-song chants filled the air. It made me miss Azalea horribly. I could perfectly imagine her running around with the other children singing or sliding down the slides giggling all the way.
I told myself that when I finished reading the chapter, I would proceed with my homeward march. One chapter turned into two and soon it was high noon.
Most of the walk home, I had to shield my eyes from the sun. About halfway down the block, I saw something in the street sparkling. Living in New York, I've learnt not to pass by shiny things laying in the street. I once found a small diamond earring. As I approached, my mind raced through all the fantastical possibilities. Perhaps they were diamonds! Or a bag of Swarovski crystals!
But what I found wasn't made of diamonds or expensive crystal. Instead, there was shattered glass and bits of twisted chrome from a recent car accident. Bits of a bicycle's reflector and shards of a car-door mirror could be discerned. Resting amidst the residue of an accident was a tiny shoe. In the nest of broken things, there was a small child's untied shoe. It was white and from a few feet away looked like a little egg.
I wanted to pluck it from its perilous bed of sharp things and hold it against my chest, to wish it back its lost mate and the child who once wore them. All I could think about was that a child must have been injured in the car accident. This thought tumbled through my mind, gaining shape and strength in my imagination. I wanted to snatch it up and run back to the park, shouting, "Your little brother or sister has lost their shoe! Your mother and father will be very sad to have misplaced it!"
From the nest of glass, I wanted to rescue this lost item and return it to its owner, like some kind of fairy tale story.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I don't know whether it is the full moon or my work schedule, but I haven't been able to sleep very well lately.
Since I have to be up so early in the morning, I tried to go to bed fairly early. All I did was toss and turn. So, I decided to go for a walk. I wasn't sure where, but wanted to get the blood pumping and feel air in my lungs and walk.
From my apartment, I went to the Williamsburg Bridge. Then I went over the bridge and through parts of the Lower East Side and Chinatown. I ended up at the waterfront overlooking the Manhattan Bridge. So, I decided to walk across that one as well. It was much quieter on the Manhattan Bridge, especially compared to the heavy foot-traffic of the Williamsburg Bridge. I then walked along the Brooklyn Navy Yard. It was all blocked off, but there was something magical about it. Nature was taking over and trees were winding themselves around vacant buildings. In its ruined and desolate state, there was something majestic and beautiful about them. I will have to return during the day sometime to take some pictures and perhaps sneak in to take a closer look. Then, I made a wrong turn and walked through the ghetto of Bed Stuy. I try to avoid Bed Stuy since the crime is pretty bad and I feel an odd threatening sense. This time walking through was no different. (But I suppose that quickened the pace of the last leg of my journey and got me home sooner.)
It's funny how I think that I'm not afraid of a potentially dangerous situation being alone in an abandoned area, and how I worry much more when there are people around.
Besides feeling hatred radiating off of people in the projects as I passed, it was a good long walk and I feel much better now. It was nice to look at the reflections of moonlight on the surface of the churning waters and see everything lit up by an eerie blue, silver, glow.
Since I have to be up so early in the morning, I tried to go to bed fairly early. All I did was toss and turn. So, I decided to go for a walk. I wasn't sure where, but wanted to get the blood pumping and feel air in my lungs and walk.
From my apartment, I went to the Williamsburg Bridge. Then I went over the bridge and through parts of the Lower East Side and Chinatown. I ended up at the waterfront overlooking the Manhattan Bridge. So, I decided to walk across that one as well. It was much quieter on the Manhattan Bridge, especially compared to the heavy foot-traffic of the Williamsburg Bridge. I then walked along the Brooklyn Navy Yard. It was all blocked off, but there was something magical about it. Nature was taking over and trees were winding themselves around vacant buildings. In its ruined and desolate state, there was something majestic and beautiful about them. I will have to return during the day sometime to take some pictures and perhaps sneak in to take a closer look. Then, I made a wrong turn and walked through the ghetto of Bed Stuy. I try to avoid Bed Stuy since the crime is pretty bad and I feel an odd threatening sense. This time walking through was no different. (But I suppose that quickened the pace of the last leg of my journey and got me home sooner.)
It's funny how I think that I'm not afraid of a potentially dangerous situation being alone in an abandoned area, and how I worry much more when there are people around.
Besides feeling hatred radiating off of people in the projects as I passed, it was a good long walk and I feel much better now. It was nice to look at the reflections of moonlight on the surface of the churning waters and see everything lit up by an eerie blue, silver, glow.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Death of a Lover...
It was incredibly slow at work today. Everyone is still on holiday. Only the most ardent of regulars dropped by and even then, they were few and far between. It caused me to gaze out of the store-front into the street. I tend to try and stare down and attract customers when it is really slow.
In the middle of the street there lay a pigeon. It had recently died. It probably died before I had even got there in the morning, but I hadn't noticed. So many things go unnoticed when your mind is occupied.
Circling it was another pigeon. This one was lighter in coloring. It circled the motionless feathered body. At first I imagined that it was another scavenger of the street, feasting on a fresh road-kill. However, the circling pigeon made no attempt to peck at the other. It simply circled it, tilting its head every now and then.
As cars would pass, the live pigeon would fly back a few feet to safety. It would then return to its vigil. Each time though it got a little further back, slowly distancing itself from the dead pigeon. Each time a car passed, the dead pigeon would get hit again. And again. And again.
Eventually it was a flattened pile of feathers. All of its shape and definition had been lost by the repeated crushing of tires. I tried to spot the other pigeon, but could not see it anywhere. Had it left? Or was it just out of sight? How cruel to be thus abandoned.
A boy on a skateboard unconsciously rode over the dead pigeon's body. A flattened wing (still intact, but noticeably ragged) caught a bit of wind in the boy's wake and flew up. From the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of tan wings in the facade of the building, over a pile of debris tucked in the architectural frieze. A nest. Down flew the bird, looking once more curiously at the pile of feathers no longer animated by the passing of a stranger. It flew back up to the nest. Alive. Alone.
In the middle of the street there lay a pigeon. It had recently died. It probably died before I had even got there in the morning, but I hadn't noticed. So many things go unnoticed when your mind is occupied.
Circling it was another pigeon. This one was lighter in coloring. It circled the motionless feathered body. At first I imagined that it was another scavenger of the street, feasting on a fresh road-kill. However, the circling pigeon made no attempt to peck at the other. It simply circled it, tilting its head every now and then.
As cars would pass, the live pigeon would fly back a few feet to safety. It would then return to its vigil. Each time though it got a little further back, slowly distancing itself from the dead pigeon. Each time a car passed, the dead pigeon would get hit again. And again. And again.
Eventually it was a flattened pile of feathers. All of its shape and definition had been lost by the repeated crushing of tires. I tried to spot the other pigeon, but could not see it anywhere. Had it left? Or was it just out of sight? How cruel to be thus abandoned.
A boy on a skateboard unconsciously rode over the dead pigeon's body. A flattened wing (still intact, but noticeably ragged) caught a bit of wind in the boy's wake and flew up. From the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of tan wings in the facade of the building, over a pile of debris tucked in the architectural frieze. A nest. Down flew the bird, looking once more curiously at the pile of feathers no longer animated by the passing of a stranger. It flew back up to the nest. Alive. Alone.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Storms Brewing...
Today was a hot and muggy day. It's a sure sign for thunderstorms to come. While I was doing my laundry, I looked out to see that the streets were shiny from a quick shower. Up above, there were flashes in the dark but no thunder and the air was once again heavy and hot. It's building up and no short sprinkle will satisfy its full release.
I simply cannot wait.
Not only will it be a reprieve from the heat, but I feel as though it were some kind of over-arching metaphor or something. Many of my personal and professional relationships are building up in much the same manner and I just need it to finally rain.
I simply cannot wait.
Not only will it be a reprieve from the heat, but I feel as though it were some kind of over-arching metaphor or something. Many of my personal and professional relationships are building up in much the same manner and I just need it to finally rain.
Break of Reality...
Earlier this evening, I attended a concert at Galapagos by a great band called Break of Reality. I will sum up my review of their performance in four words: My heart is broken. I say this because it has been a long time since I've been genuinely moved and they certainly are talented musicians who accomplished this task. Were I to have a soundtrack to my life, I would like it to be done primarily by cellos. My favorite song of theirs is the acoustic version of Solid Ground. Very good.
After I went to the concert, I met up with my good friend Jen Tong and her friends Tony and Tabitha from San Francisco. What delightful people! I had such a fun time with them. We started off in the East Village at a place called, Cheap Shots. Then moved down to an off-the-radar lounge called 87 Ludlow, where we met up with the very talented painter Zofia. After that we went dancing at a place called the Darkroom in the Lower East Side and finished up the evening at The Delancey.
After I went to the concert, I met up with my good friend Jen Tong and her friends Tony and Tabitha from San Francisco. What delightful people! I had such a fun time with them. We started off in the East Village at a place called, Cheap Shots. Then moved down to an off-the-radar lounge called 87 Ludlow, where we met up with the very talented painter Zofia. After that we went dancing at a place called the Darkroom in the Lower East Side and finished up the evening at The Delancey.
Friday, May 25, 2007
At World's End...

After the movie, I stopped in Max Brenner's across the street for some double-thick Italian Hot Chocolate. Then I proceeded to walk across the Williamsburg Bridge. As it turned out, as I was going home, I passed by The Trash Bar. It was funny because I ran into Elizabeth there, who ran out in front to greet me for a band called Walking Bicycles. It was great to see her and catch up and listen to some fun music!
Afterwards, I met up with Tommy in Williamsburg and we went back to his place for some wine and to catch up and see what project he has been working on.
I haven't posted very much lately. And here's why:
- Rooftop picnics at sunset.
- LOTS of day-job work (we're training a bunch of 'Wich-lets and one of the managers is out of town)
- Sitting in the park and reading
- Running into former professors
- Running into former regulars (from when I worked in a different coffee shop)
- Setting up the studio
- Planning the new phase of my work
- Having a baby puke on me during rush hour on the train
- Sculpting little bits and pieces to be sold at Bead & Button
- Making samples for the table at Bead & Button
- Finding someone's jewelry portfolio (full of lots of pictures of their work)
- Planning out a special surprise
- Trying to set up the kiln (I needed cinder blocks and I found them on the curb a block over; I didn't even have to take them from a construction site like I thought I would.)
- Feeling very impractical feelings
- Planning out potential little field trips
New Layout...
The blog may not look completely different, however, I'm slowly switching over to a more customized version. Which in effect, has completely ruined some of the templates of my previous posts. (The new version is slightly narrower in the body.) I feel as though "patience" should be the word of the day.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I had just come up from changing downstairs when my shift finished at work. One of my new favorite regulars, Edna had just stopped by for her usual small soy latte. I don't think she had ever seen me out of uniform before, a uniform which includes a hat.
In any event, I was chatting with her briefly before leaving, when she said, "Oh, you've got spider-webs in your hair." I began to brush the side of my head in the general region in which she indicated and felt no sticky webbing attach to my fingers. Instead, she turned bright red and said, "Oh sorry, I thought something was in your hair." Apparently she thought the wiry white hairs popping out were spider-silk. I think it's the first time someone has noticed them and said something, even though they've been springing up since I was 16.
In any event, I was chatting with her briefly before leaving, when she said, "Oh, you've got spider-webs in your hair." I began to brush the side of my head in the general region in which she indicated and felt no sticky webbing attach to my fingers. Instead, she turned bright red and said, "Oh sorry, I thought something was in your hair." Apparently she thought the wiry white hairs popping out were spider-silk. I think it's the first time someone has noticed them and said something, even though they've been springing up since I was 16.
Monday, May 21, 2007
I just found out that my grandma is in the hospital from a car accident that she was in. A knot is in my stomach. My dad said that she's doing all right considering that she's 87 years old and was just in an accident. I can't help but worry. My grandfather died last year around the same time of year. Since I've had a really crazy work schedule, I haven't been able to call her yet. I just hope that she's doing okay and that she isn't in any pain. I miss her.
Maybe after Bead & Button I can make a trip out to see her. I know that she would like that a lot.
For the time being, I will just try and focus on the everyday tasks and not let my worry get to me. I know that my worrying will accomplish nothing... just make me sick in my stomach.
Maybe after Bead & Button I can make a trip out to see her. I know that she would like that a lot.
For the time being, I will just try and focus on the everyday tasks and not let my worry get to me. I know that my worrying will accomplish nothing... just make me sick in my stomach.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Indian Treasures...

Speaking of all things related to graduation, I've been meaning to post a picture of the goodies that Sheila brought back from India for me. Silks, incense, a carved wooden owl, essential oils, Shiva's Lingam (a.ka. "Wand of Light") and all sorts of Kali-ma goodness. Tomorrow, I might take pictures of all the goodies that Cynthia and Greg got me.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Graduation Parties...
After the company party, a group of us braved the rain and went to a dive bar in West Chelsea called Billy Marks West. It was more out of the necessity to use the restroom than to drink more. Part of the crew went back up to the Bronx, the other part to meet up with friends coming in from Long Island, and Josh and I went out to Brooklyn to attend a couple of graduation parties thrown by some of my fellow alumni.
Left: Amber Harris, Elizabeth Castaldo, and me at Elizabeth's apartment in Williamsburg. I haven't seen them since the last day of school. So it was good to catch up with them.

Left: A picture of Elizabeth and Amber holding a Polaroid of the three of us. As soon as we all get settled into our routines, we're going to start working on a collaborative book project together.

Right: A snap shot of me and Melinda Mantooth. Melinda was throwing a separate graduation party over at the McKibbin Lofts in East Williamsburg. She's going on a trip to Israel in a few days.

Left: Josh, Shalimar, and Laz. Melinda fell asleep and I had to be up at work early the next morning. So we all made our exits. It was a lot of fun!

Right: Elizabeth is holding a Polaroid that Josh took of the three of us. All of us were fixated with the Polaroid. She's got an amazing wall that is covered with them.

Left: A picture of Elizabeth and Amber holding a Polaroid of the three of us. As soon as we all get settled into our routines, we're going to start working on a collaborative book project together.

Right: A snap shot of me and Melinda Mantooth. Melinda was throwing a separate graduation party over at the McKibbin Lofts in East Williamsburg. She's going on a trip to Israel in a few days.

Left: Josh, Shalimar, and Laz. Melinda fell asleep and I had to be up at work early the next morning. So we all made our exits. It was a lot of fun!
'Wichcraft Birthday Party...


Friday, May 18, 2007
Dinner, Drinks, and Dancing...

After dinner we went to the very hip Brazilian joint called Bembe. The picture is the cover of the matchbook I took from the bathroom. Lots of fun dancing the night away. It was fun to dance again. The last time I went dancing, I fell into the subway tracks. One of the bartenders is a goddess. I've never seen someone move so quickly behind a bar and do it so gracefully. Sheer beauty. I wanted to snap a picture, but I didn't have my camera with me. Though were I to try and take a picture, I'm sure I would only capture a very colorful blur. Everything was perfect, (except for the watermelon vodka thing - it tasted like pulpy battery acid.)
We capped the night off by chilling on his roof. It is one of my very favorite views. I could spend hours up there watching the way the lights of the city reflect off the water and how the boats swim past. I could spend hours watching all the people, going about their lives... riding trains, packing up pick-up trucks, walking down the streets and living life.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Monday, May 14, 2007
Yearbook Photo...

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saying Goodbye...
I've been moving my stuff out of my studio. It has been a pretty slow going process since I've opted to do several small loads via the train instead of hiring a man-with-a-van service to do one big move. I've decided that the small trips are allowing me to let go slowly of a space that I've occupied off and on for almost six years now.
I didn't realize how attached I was to the space. I think that subconsciously I'm prolonging the move so that I can keep going back. All of the other spaces are empty and I find myself just sitting there... in the empty quiet, just thinking.
I didn't realize how attached I was to the space. I think that subconsciously I'm prolonging the move so that I can keep going back. All of the other spaces are empty and I find myself just sitting there... in the empty quiet, just thinking.
In The Spotlight Meme...
Jean Yates tagged me for this Meme. I'm not exactly sure what a "meme" is, but I will post my answers. If you too are wondering what a "meme" is, CLICK HERE for the Wikipedia definition.
Are You a Spiritual Person?
Are You a Spiritual Person?
I would certainly like to think that I am. Though more often than not, I feel like I'm in some kind of survival mode nowadays. Sheila says that my chakras have built up "spiritual scar-tissue" and that it makes energy flow less freely. I could agree with that. I don't feel the ease in connecting with the "Spirit" as I did before.
What Makes Your Blog Unique?
What Makes Your Blog Unique?
Everyone is different. Each person has a treasure trove of experiences and thoughts wholly individual to themselves. What makes my blog unique is that it is made by me. It gives a perspective which comes from my personal vantage-point.
What Are Your Feelings on the “Blog Popularity” Issue?
Two questions should be tagged on to this one. "Why do you blog?" And, "what does popularity mean to you?" For a business, a blog might be a great way for a company to create a more human and personal interface with its customers. For an individual, it might be a way to creatively express thoughts and emotions that aren't normally indulged upon. What is evident in each scenario though is that there is connection happening. Whether it is with a mass of people or with one's self. What I strive to do with my blog is create community. With my ideas and ways of seeing things, I seek to reach out to others and build a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding. I think sharing ideas and creating a forum for expression is ideal. The more individuals seeking to make connections, the better. So if my blog is a source for community, then GREAT! What Are Your Feelings on the “Blog Popularity” Issue?
When Did You Start Blogging?
I've had an online journal (in various incarnations) for nearly a decade now. However, whereas previously I wrote exclusively for myself as a way of venting and as a tool for discovering who I was as a person, my blog is a more recent affirmation of a fundamental understanding of who I have become. When I felt solidly comfortable with myself, I wanted to take the next step and create community. I wanted to share the way I saw things and learn how other people felt about different situations and ideas. I started my blog last summer after my sister Cynthia started her's and it has helped facilitate communication between us with much success.
Which Three People Will You Tag?
I tag Cynthia Thornton, Tony and Lisa of Zoa Art, and Amy Wilson.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Empty Nest...
Earlier today, everyone left to go back to North Carolina.
It really didn't kick in until after a very slow day at work. I had plenty of time to let everything sink in. An empty feeling grew in my gut. I miss them a lot. I especially miss Baby One.
I'm not used to having my family with me. I'm very independent and am not used to the democratic nature of family-life nowadays. Trying to make everyone happy at times would be a source of personal frustration, but having them here was also a lot of fun. Cynthia and I are a creative think-tank duo and can rattle off pages and pages of ideas. We are always coming up with new projects. Sheila and I calm each other and make each other laugh. She and I swap party stories and anecdotes about failed romances. Greg reminds me of my spiritual path and inner philosophies. For a long time, I've been trying to integrate my mundane life and my "higher" life, but often times the balance gets out of whack and I find that my mundane life takes over. And last but certainly not least... Azalea. She's the light of my life. She is my constant source of inspiration. Helping her grow up, has taught me so much about myself. Who I am and what I'm capable of. I will miss my hugs and kisses and the songs and the way she says my name, "Ander."
It really didn't kick in until after a very slow day at work. I had plenty of time to let everything sink in. An empty feeling grew in my gut. I miss them a lot. I especially miss Baby One.
I'm not used to having my family with me. I'm very independent and am not used to the democratic nature of family-life nowadays. Trying to make everyone happy at times would be a source of personal frustration, but having them here was also a lot of fun. Cynthia and I are a creative think-tank duo and can rattle off pages and pages of ideas. We are always coming up with new projects. Sheila and I calm each other and make each other laugh. She and I swap party stories and anecdotes about failed romances. Greg reminds me of my spiritual path and inner philosophies. For a long time, I've been trying to integrate my mundane life and my "higher" life, but often times the balance gets out of whack and I find that my mundane life takes over. And last but certainly not least... Azalea. She's the light of my life. She is my constant source of inspiration. Helping her grow up, has taught me so much about myself. Who I am and what I'm capable of. I will miss my hugs and kisses and the songs and the way she says my name, "Ander."
Friday, May 11, 2007
When Dani, Josh, and I finally left the 'Wichcraft gathering, we were STARVING! The line at Pomme Frites was a mile long, so we made our way to Bamn! Automat. It's basically a walk-in vending machine. You put coins into a slot and get (fried) food from the cubby-holes.
Left: Dani retrieved a mac & cheese kroket from the machine. It's sort of like a roll of macaroni and cheese that's been deep fried. It's no surprise that this drunk food is in the midst of so many bars.

Left: This is a snap-shot of my dinner items. I picked the fried mozzarella sticks, chicken nuggets, and powdered doughnuts.

Right: Here's a shot of me, Josh, and Dani just before we indulged in our after-drinking meal automat-style. Under this light, everyone looks so healthy and pink.

Left: This is a snap-shot of my dinner items. I picked the fried mozzarella sticks, chicken nuggets, and powdered doughnuts.
Meet and Greet...

I met up with Josh and Dani. Before we got to the bar, we strolled down St. Mark's Place and popped in various vintage stores.
Left: Josh holding the (very funny) photo-booth pictures of Dani and him.

Even though I was wore out by all the family activities earlier in the day, it was enjoyable to hang out with my co-workers.
Right: Alyssa, Dani, Ben, and I posing in front of the infamous photo-booth.
Right: Alyssa, Dani, Ben, and I posing in front of the infamous photo-booth.
Family Time...

Left: Azalea was being shy while Sheila cooed over her.

As we made our way into the bowels of the subway system, we ran into my former roommate, Kate. It was nice catching up with her. I haven't seen her in a while.

We took the subway to SoHo and went window-shopping. We tried to find Kremer Pigment without any luck. Though we did stumble upon some really cool places, like Rice to Riches.
Left: This is a picture of Sheila at Rice to Riches. I had forgotten how much fun we used to have living together and going on our mini-adventures.

Rice to Riches is one of my favorite places for dessert. It's yummy! We shared four different flavours: Coast to Coast Cheesecake, Perfectly Legal Pecan Pie, Take Me To Tiramisu, and Coconut Coma. All very filling and tasty.
Right: Baby One about to take a bite of rice pudding between Sheila and Cynthia.

Across the street from Rice to Riches is a playground. Azalea had been so patient all day, that we stopped for her to run around and stretch her legs. She's fast! Both Sheila and I were nervous and kept running after her, trying to catch her when she was about to fall. Very stressful.
Left: Baby One helping Sheila up on the playground fortress.

Right: Cynthia looking over the menu full of delicious and inexpensive dishes.

I was really glad that we were able to go to Moto for dinner. Cynthia had made a comment on how she had wanted to stop by after I posted about the manchego and pear platter.
Left: Greg and Cynthia, relaxing to jazz and waiting for our orders.

Baby One had a great time at Moto. She was dancing up a storm next to Sheila and I. It was really cute. That baby drops it like it's hot! Azalea was also making "sweet eyes" at one of the fellow patrons.
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Arnoldo invited us back to his restaurant, Pangea. Nate came by and it was like old times. It was really fun. The food was wonderful and the company was even better!
Today was my graduation from the School of Visual Arts. It was held at Radio City Music Hall. It was really sad to say goodbye to college, but I'm really excited about my next adventures.

Right: Cynthia, Azalea, me, and Sheila in front of Radio City Music Hall. You can see the marquee with the graduation announcement.

Having my family here in New York has been really great, especially Baby One. She really is the light of my life. She's full of tons of energy and is always wanting to walk around and see things... just like me.
Left: The beautiful Azalea poses with me in front of Radio City Music Hall.
Right: Another picture of Cynthia, Azalea, me and Sheila all dressed up.

I won't be able to forget all the amazing friends I've made at SVA.
Left: Here we are again in front of the Golden Doors inside Radio City Music Hall.

Right: During the motivational speaker, I snuck up to the balcony. I can't stay awake for the life of me during lectures with the lights are down.

Left: This is me, Andrew Thornton. We needed an iconic picture of me in front of the big mural to send out to all the relatives. I think this one will do nicely for that purpose.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Graduation Party...

Earlier this evening, I had a small party to celebrate my graduation from the School of Visual Arts. To see all of the pictures, go to my Flickr account by CLICKING HERE.
I had a wonderful time. It is important for me to surrounded by my friends and family. This was a great opportunity to get everyone together.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
A Revisionist's History...
Sheila had originally intended to come to my graduation. However, there were delays in processing her VISA to Japan... so I thought that she wouldn't get come. However, I got an email saying that she was on her way and that I had to keep it a secret! So here is the revisionist's history of what actually happened:

Left: This is Sheila on the way back from the JFK airport. She got food poisoning on the plane and was very ill all the way back to the apartment. Luckily the train was pretty empty and she could wrap up her face and curl up with a plastic bag to try and rest a bit.

Left: Sheila had prepared the yummy lunch that she and I shared with Josh in our picnic to Central Park. After we finished up with our meal, we did a mini tour of that section of the park. It was a lot of fun.

Left: This is Sheila on the way back from the JFK airport. She got food poisoning on the plane and was very ill all the way back to the apartment. Luckily the train was pretty empty and she could wrap up her face and curl up with a plastic bag to try and rest a bit.

Right: Here Sheila is trying to climb down the fire-escape ladder leading to the roof. She came up to enjoy the view.

Left: Sheila had prepared the yummy lunch that she and I shared with Josh in our picnic to Central Park. After we finished up with our meal, we did a mini tour of that section of the park. It was a lot of fun.
Right: Sheila and Josh pose for the camera in Sheep's Meadow in Central Park. Except for the fact that it was getting chilly, we all had a great time.
Monday, May 07, 2007
From Great Heights...

Sunday, May 06, 2007
Central Park Picnic...

Right: This is our spread: Yummy tuna and dill sandwiches, sweet tea, and an assortment of chips and cookies.

Josh was just accepted to grad school in Kentucky and got the fellowship position. So if he decides to go, it'll be very sad to say goodbye to one of my closest New York friends.
Left: Josh in Central Park, before it dropped 20 degrees and became very chilly.

Right: This is a shot of Sheep's Meadow, with midtown looming in the background.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
The Australian Party...
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