Friday, October 15, 2010

A Pound of Flesh...

I'm a little sore and tired, but otherwise doing very well with all things considering. They removed the bump and the surrounding area – about half a square foot. The surgeon filleted all the skin and tissue down to the muscle. I've not seen the actual incision site all stapled up, as I must leave my bandage on for at least two days before I can remove it, but the bandage reaches from my nipple to my shoulder blade. It's quite large.

Above: Me enjoying a saltine cracker and some Ginger Ale after surgery.

It's an odd sensation. It feels as though someone has tightened my internal corset. It doesn't hurt per se (unless I cough or laugh), but it is tender. I'm prohibited from doing any heavy lifting or bending. I joked with one of the nurses that I had to rush home to rake some leaves. She didn't think it was that funny and I was quickly rewarded with a smart of pain for my bad humor. They say that now is one of the most dicey parts; the concerns are that they successfully removed all cancerous cells and that the wound does not become infected. For me, this list also includes paying for everything. I am trying to focus on my recovery and not on the mounting medical bills. I have faith that everything will work; I have, after all, already paid a pound of flesh.


Robbie said...

Do take care! Your internet friends are there with you in spirit. Just wait and the wind will carry the leaves to your neighbors, many miles away! Be careful and the best to you.

Joan Tucker said...

First glad you are over that part..

As a expert worrier. prioritize (tongue in cheek),
no pain
heal well
get out of hospital
check on cats
eat something good
call everybody
whine a bit
get great results on test

then only then worry about bill...

they have ways to defer costs; help with costs, defray costs and forgive costs..

All of us in bloggerland are rooting for you.

Joan T and Lana

Spirited Earth said...

glad to hear this first part is over,glad you are home,rest and take care of yourself.

kate mckinnon said...

What a lovely sight, you, looking both serene and slightly tragic, in a Greek drama sort of way. I would put a crown of leaves on your head.

They are welcome to their pound, right, as long as all the naughty parts went with it.

And here is lovely news: People who are signing up for our Swashbuckling Tour are in effect, sending money directly at you, with a little hose.

The link for our classes gets more hilarious every day. Here is the current version:

much love,

Kym Hunter Designs said...


My thoughts are with you for good news and a speedy recovery!

Take care,


Emerald Window said...

Rest and give thanks for the blessings that you still have (if you think about it, there are many). Don't worry about the bills. Worry is the misuse of imagination.

Anonymous said...
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Rebecca said...

Dear Andrew, wishing you absolutely all the best - I wish I could win the lottery and send you a heap of cash to take that worry away but I can send you most positive thoughts from across the seas. I hope this next part goes without a hitch and they have snipped it all. Try to take care - we can't take it (money!) with us when we go! Rest and rejuvenate.

Yeli said...

Andrew, I am glad this part is over and it does not hurt much.

I hope you have someone to pamper you. You deserve it.

My best wishes for a speedy recovery, for no cancer cells left in you and for a great wound healing.

Roberta Warshaw said...

Ah the ubiquitous saltines and ginger comes the jello!

I am glad it is out of your body. I wish you a speedy recovery. Don't worry about the money right now. Heal first. Then you can worry. My prescription is lots of sketching and positive thoughts.

lorrwill said...

I am glad to see you are still (almost) smiling. Bad nurse for not laughing! No donut.

I am still wishing you the best of the best.

Hopefully one of the highly organized people who follows your blog/Facebook, etc. and knows how to do it can start a fund for your medical expenses. Oh! I would not think it tacky for you to put a Paypal donation button on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Dear dear Andrew... I wish you the very best in your recovery.

Rest... rest... rest..

You will be in my thoughts.

Take Care.

LiliKrist said...

Do you realize that in fact you're a strong person?
Under any circumstances, you always took time to write something. Something to share, and that something has a lot to give advice to your friends. And we thanks for that *smile*
And I think it's time for you to take care a little bit neat. Take a few days to have good holiday somewhere. And we - your friends - will remain here awaiting your return from vacation *okay*

Cynthia of Cynful Creations said...

So glad to hear the operation is over and you are now in recovery mode. Fingers crossed that all those pesky cancer cells have been successfully relocated out of your body. Take it easy, try not to worry.

paula best said...

i loved kates comment about your "greek drama" look...

it's easy to say "don't worry" about the financial part...when you aren't the person worrying...

i plan to do an ebay listing of a piece of my art and send you the proceeds. i will let you know when i have it listed.

every little bit helps.

so now...try to concentrate on resting and healing...and pretty soon i hope they upgrade your food to something a little more exciting.

my wish for you is a speedy recovery...and never any more cancer cells for you.

take care, paula

Sally Anderson said...

Well, Andrew, your sense of humor wasn't excised w/ the tumor -- that's definitely a good sign. Take care of yourself and don't rush the healing process! Best wishes --Sally

My Life Under the Bus said...

Prayers for healing your way !

Mary Lynne said...


The worst truly is over now. I think I know what you are feeling - I am a 23-year survivor of breast cancer. As soon as I woke from the anesthesia, I felt that the cancer was just gone. It was a huge feeling of relief knowing that. The money thing has a way of working out. And most of the time if you can make regular monthly payments, hospitals and doctors will work with you. It doesn't have to ruin your credit or your peace of mind. Right now, just focus all of your energy on being well and whole again - or at least whole as you can be now without that pound of flesh.

I know you don't know me, but know that I am sending you good thoughts every day, and I am here if you ever want to reach out to me.

paula best said... is the link for my ebay auction for you...i hope it helps...

love to you....

Shannon Chomanczuk said...

Don't worry about the bills they will get paid in time. I have taken over a year to pay off the delivery of my daughter (still am in fact).
Focus on healing.
My thoughts and prayers are on their way.

Elizabeth said...

You are so loved and I'm so happy to see you out of the hospital. All will be provided. Let go and let the Universe work its magic.

gretchen said...

If you could get better on good wishes alone? you'd be out raking those imaginary leaves...but don't try it!
I hope your recovery is quick, but don't over due it, taking more time to heal will be better for you in the long run.
My sister had breast cancer at 22 - and is turning 56 this month. Not many people haven't been touched in some way.
i'm sending more good wishes your way!

Paige said...

I know I don't comment much, but I wanted to take the time tonight to let you know that I'm praying for you and your family, and have been since I read the news. I'll continue to pray that you heal well, and that they got all those nasty cancer cells out, and that they don't come back. ever. :)

Amber Dawn Inventive Soul said...

Dear Andrew,
I don't often comment like the rest...
I just want you to know that I am thinking healing thoughts for you and wishing you an abundance of cheer!

Amber Dawn Inventive Soul said...

Dear Andrew,
I don't often comment like the rest...
I just want you to know that I am thinking healing thoughts for you and wishing you an abundance of cheer!

Anonymous said...

Rest, eat well...and have a speedy recovery.

Unknown said...

You are always so generous to show us you as You! And in your hospital bed..Bless you. Yes hospital bills can be slowly paid up, as long as they get something every month you can enjoy your life and do this and that. Be well and please like the Nurse said NO LEAF Raking or anything else!! This is a crucial time..remember that. Be Blessed and heal well Andrew! Lotsa huggs
Janet ox

Gaea said...

Cheeky monkey! You must be on the mend! Your sense of humor is rockin'! Laughter IS the best medicine but don't tell the hospital that! XO

Alice said...

The worst is over and you can concentrate on recovering. Now is the time to think about yourself and getting well.

You've got an amazing circle of friends, and I have no doubt your medical bills will be eased a bit by their generosity. You can also talk to the hospital about a payment plan (maybe you could pay them in beads, jewelry, or your paintings - ha).

Take care!

nina said...

how is it that you manage to look beautiful always, even when lying in a hospital bed post-op?!! take good care of yourself, sweet andrew, and let others take good care of you as well. i will be thinking of you and thinking good, strong thoughts towards a quick and complete recovery xxx

Eve Smith said...

Hope you get better soon, i must say that you look great for just having had a big op, keep smiling and im sure the money will come from some where you just get better first and worry later,x

Gina Chalfant said...

Take it easy Andrew. After this weekend I am free of shows for a short while. Let me do the lifting for you if needed. I am your neighbor after all. You're in my thoughts.

Shai Williams said...

Now the worst part is over. Concentrate on healing thoughts and trust that the universe is looking out for you.

DVArtist said...

Sending you the strongest healing light and energy with love. You just concentrate on your recovery.

rosebud101 said...

Andrew, ((((HUGS)))) I'm sorry you have to go through this. I hope you recover quickly.